Reputation: 2431
I am changing the size of the containing div using ng-class and an expression that evaluates whether or not an edit form is displayed. If the edit form is displayed I want to change the size of the div containing the ng-grid and the ng-grid itself.
<div class=" row-fluid">
<div ng-class="{'span7' : displayEditForm == true, 'span12': displayEditForm == false}" >
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" style="margin-bottom: 5px;">
<li class="active"><a href="#" ng-click="getActivitiesThatNeedMyApproval()" data-toggle="tab">Activities Needing My Approval</a></li>
<li><a href="#" ng-click="getMyActivitiesNeedingApproval()" data-toggle="tab">My Activities Needing Approval </a></li>
<li><a href="#" ng-click="getMyActivities()" data-toggle="tab">My Activities</a></li>
<div class="edus-admin-manage-grid span12" style="margin-left:0;" ng-grid="gridOptions"></div>
<div class="span5" ng-show="displayEditForm">
<div class="edus-activity-container">
<div class="edus-admin-activities-grid">
<div ng-include="'/partials/' + activity.object.objectType + '.html'" class="edus-activity"></div>
<!-- <div ng-include="'/partials/admin-activity-actions.html'"></div>-->
<div ng-include="'/partials/admin-edit-activity-grid-form.html'"></div>
The div containing the navbar and grid changes size via ng-class (from span12 to span7), but the ng-grid does not refresh. How can I trigger the refresh of ng-grid given the change in the parent div?
I've included my gridOptions below:
$scope.gridOptions = {
plugins: [gridLayoutPlugin],
data : 'activities',
showFilter: true,
/* enablePaging: true,*/
showColumnMenu: true,
/* showFooter: true,*/
rowHeight: 70,
enableColumnResize: true,
multiSelect: false,
selectedItems: $scope.selectedActivities,
afterSelectionChange: function(rowItem,event){
if($scope.selectedActivities && $scope.selectedActivities.length > 0){
$scope.activity = $scope.selectedActivities[0];
$scope.activityViewState.index = $scope.activities.indexOf($scope.activity);
$scope.displayEditForm = true;
console.log("DEBUG :::::::::::::::: updated displayEditForm.", $scope.displayEditForm);
if($scope.activity.ucdEdusMeta.startDate) {
// $scope.activity.ucdEdusMeta.startDate = new Date($scope.activity.ucdEdusMeta.startDate);
$scope.edit.startDate = moment($scope.activity.ucdEdusMeta.startDate).format("MM/DD/YYYY");
$scope.edit.startTime = moment($scope.activity.ucdEdusMeta.startDate).format("hh:mm A");
if($scope.activity.ucdEdusMeta.endDate) {
// $scope.activity.ucdEdusMeta.endDate = new Date($scope.activity.ucdEdusMeta.endDate);
$scope.edit.endDate = moment($scope.activity.ucdEdusMeta.endDate).format("MM/DD/YYYY");
$scope.edit.endTime = moment($scope.activity.ucdEdusMeta.endDate).format("hh:mm A");
/* pagingOptions: { pageSizes: [5, 10, 20], pageSize: 10, totalServerItems: 0, currentPage: 1 },*/
columnDefs: [
{field: 'title', displayName: 'Title', width:'15%',
cellTemplate: '<div class="ngCellText", style="white-space: normal;">{{row.getProperty(col.field)}}</div>'},
{field: 'actor.displayName', displayName: 'DisplayName', width:'10%',
cellTemplate: '<div class="ngCellText", style="white-space: normal;">{{row.getProperty(col.field)}}</div>'},
{field: 'object.content', displayName:'Content', width:'35%',
cellTemplate: '<div class="ngCellText", style="white-space: normal;">{{row.getProperty(col.field)}}</div>'},
{field: 'ucdEdusMeta.startDate', displayName: 'Start Date', width:'20%',
cellTemplate: '<div class="ngCellText" ng-class="col.colIndex()"><span ng-cell-text>{{row.getProperty(col.field) | date:"short"}} </span></div>'},
{field: 'ucdEdusMeta.endDate', displayName: 'End Date', width:'20%',
cellTemplate: '<div class="ngCellText" ng-class="col.colIndex()"><span ng-cell-text>{{row.getProperty(col.field) | date:"short"}} </span></div>'}
// {field: '', displayName: ''},
Here's the CSS used by the grid:
.edus-admin-manage-grid {
border: 1px solid rgb(212,212,212);
width: 100%;
height: 700px
Upvotes: 6
Views: 10589
Reputation: 1543
You can use ng-grid's layout plugin (ng-grid-layout.js). It should come with ngGrid located at:
(UPDATED: now at
You will have to include an additional script tag pointing to this js file in your main index.html file. And the order of including this versus ng-grid.js is important.
You would have to set a watch on displayEditForm
and then call the plugin's updateGridLayout()
So it would be something like:
var gridLayoutPlugin = new ngGridLayoutPlugin();
// include this plugin with your grid options
$scope.gridOptions = {
// your options and:
plugins: [gridLayoutPlugin]
// make sure grid redraws itself whenever
// the variable that ng-class uses has changed:
$scope.$watch('displayEditForm', function() {
From my understanding, watches generally belong in the link
function rather than the controller but it will work in either spot. You could also go a bit further and say:
$scope.$watch('displayEditForm', function(newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal !== undefined && newVal !== oldVal) {
To make sure this only fires when the data switches from true/false. This would matter if your data is initially undefined and you waste time calling grid redraw before you give it an initial value.
Upvotes: 6