Reputation: 1373
In file SemiRing.v
I defined some classes:
(** Setoids. *)
Class Setoid := {
s_typ :> Type;
s_eq : relation s_typ;
s_eq_Equiv : Equivalence s_eq }.
Existing Instance s_eq_Equiv.
Module Import Setoid_Notations.
Infix "==" := s_eq.
End Setoid_Notations.
Instance Leibniz_Setoid (A : Type) : Setoid.
apply Build_Setoid with (s_eq := @eq A). constructor. fo. fo.
unfold Transitive. apply eq_trans.
(** Setoids with decidable equivalence. *)
Class Decidable_Setoid := {
ds_setoid :> Setoid;
ds_eq_dec : forall x y, {s_eq x y} + {~s_eq x y} }.
Class SemiRing := {
sr_ds :> Decidable_Setoid;
sr_0 : s_typ;
sr_1 : s_typ;
sr_add : s_typ -> s_typ -> s_typ;
sr_add_eq : Proper (s_eq ==> s_eq ==> s_eq) sr_add;
sr_mul : s_typ -> s_typ -> s_typ;
sr_mul_eq : Proper (s_eq ==> s_eq ==> s_eq) sr_mul;
sr_th : semi_ring_theory sr_0 sr_1 sr_add sr_mul s_eq }.
Then I define a NSemiRing.v
is an instance of SemiRing for natural numbers.
Require Import SemiRing.
Instance Nat_as_Setoid : Setoid := Leibniz_Setoid nat. (*Where A = nat *)
Instance Nat_as_DS : Decidable_Setoid.
apply Build_Decidable_Setoid with (ds_setoid := Nat_as_Setoid).
apply eq_nat_dec.
Instance Nat_as_SR : SemiRing.
apply Build_SemiRing with (sr_ds := Nat_as_DS) (sr_0 := 0) (sr_1 := 1)
(sr_add := plus) (sr_mul := mult).
class. class. constructor; intros; simpl; try ring. refl.
My question is:
I want to have a lemma for example:
Lemma Aadd_0_r (n: nat) : n + 0 = n.
Proof. ... Qed.
How can I add or make this lemma Aadd_0_r
of type nat
see as one of the field of Nat_as_SR
of type SemiRing
That in another file I import NSemiRing
Require Import NSemiRing.
Context {S: SemiRing}. Import Setoid_Notations.
For example, if I have a lemma that have the form of :
Lemma add_zero_r (n: s_typ): n + 0 == n.
Where I want "s_typ" is automatically recognize as type "nat
" and I can call the Lemma Aadd_0_r
to prove this lemma.
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Doesn't just Proof. apply Aadd_0_r. Qed.
finish the proof?
If you turn off notations and unfold
all the definitions your goal reduces to Aadd_0_r
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