Reputation: 614
Using jQuery Mobile and AngularJS together, without a plug-in but having read about it, loading jQuery first, and the two frameworks are mostly playing very nicely and quite powerful having both.
Trying to render jQuery Mobile checkboxes with
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
<legend>Showing more lodges slows the display</legend>
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal">
<label ng-repeat-start="(lodgekey, lodge) in data.lodges" for="chooser_{{lodgekey}}">{{lodge.lodgetitle}}</label>
<input ng-repeat-end id="chooser_{{lodgekey}}" type="checkbox" ng-model="lodge.selected" />
Problem is that jQuery Mobile finishes setting up the checkbox as a button prior to Angular doing the repeat. So the repeated checkboxes stack up vertically even though I have used data-type="horizontal" in the fieldset, and each show as first/last orphan - which they are before AngularJS does its ngRepeat. Viewing the code example at and looking at the rendered DOM shows the way it should render.
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Views: 775
Reputation: 614
My solution so far has been to reproduce the jQuery Mobile form using Angular, but this is not ideal, here is my code:
<div data-role="fieldcontain" id="lodge-chooser">
<legend>Showing more lodges slows the display</legend>
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" class="ui-corner-all ui-controlgroup ui-controlgroup-horizontal">
<div class="ui-checkbox" ng-repeat="(lodgekey, lodge) in data.lodges">
<label ng-class="{'ui-btn-active':lodge.selected, 'ui-corner-left':$first, 'ui-corner-right':$last}" for="{{lodgekey}}">{{lodge.lodgetitle}}</label>
<input id="{lodgekey}}" type="checkbox" ng-model="lodge.selected" />
and CSS:
/* remove incorrect rounded corners which appear on all buttons*/
div#lodge-chooser label.ui-btn.ui-corner-all {
/* reinstate rounded corners in correct places */
div#lodge-chooser label.ui-btn.ui-corner-left {
div#lodge-chooser label.ui-btn.ui-corner-right {
This works, noting that the div.ui-checkbox is nested redundantly because jQuery Mobile still adds it in but my addition provides the styles needed and the extra nested div doesn't appear to do any harm.
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