Reputation: 7417
I am trying to write something to parse my Django template, however my parser fails if anything follows an {% endblock %}
Here is what I have so far
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
data Piece = StaticPiece String
| BlockPiece String [Piece]
| VarPiece String
deriving (Show)
noWhitespace = many1 $ oneOf "_" <|> alphaNum
parseBlock = do
blockName <- between (string "{% block" >> spaces) (spaces >> string "%}") noWhitespace <?> "block tag"
blockContent <- many (parsePiece (void $ try $ (string "{% endblock %}")))
return $ BlockPiece blockName blockContent
parseVar = do
var <- between (string "{{" >> spaces) (spaces >> string "}}") noWhitespace <?> "variable"
return $ VarPiece var
parseStatic end = do
s <- manyTill (anyChar) $ end <|> (void $ lookAhead $ try $ parseNonStatic)
return $ StaticPiece s
parseNonStatic = try parseBlock <|> parseVar
parsePiece s = try parseNonStatic <|> (parseStatic s)
parsePieces = manyTill (parsePiece eof) eof
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "1"
print $ parse parsePieces "" "Blah blah blah"
putStrLn "2"
print $ parse parsePieces "" "{{ some_var }} string {{ other_var }} s"
putStrLn "3"
print $ parse parsePieces "" "{% block body %}{% endblock %}"
putStrLn "4"
print $ parse parsePieces "" "{% block body %}{{ hello }}{% endblock %}"
putStrLn "5"
print $ parse parsePieces "" "{% block body %}{% {% endblock %}"
putStrLn "6"
print $ parse parseBlock "" "{% block body %}{% endblock %} "
putStrLn "7"
print $ parse parsePieces "" "{% block body %} {} { {{ }{ {{{}} cool } {% block inner_body %} Hello: {{ hello }}{% endblock %} {% endblock %}"
putStrLn "8"
print $ parse parsePieces "" "{% block body %} {} {{ cool }} {% block inner_body %} Hello: {{ hello }}{% endblock %}{% endblock %} ldsakjf"
print ">>"
print $ parse parseBlock "" "{% block body %}{% endblock %} "
I am thinking that somehow instead of looking at the string from beginning to end, it is looking at it from the end somehow. If you look at #7 StaticPiece " "
is inside the innermost block when it should be in the body
block. Any help would be appreciated.
Edit the above code outputs:
Right [StaticPiece "Blah blah blah"]
Right [VarPiece "some_var",StaticPiece " string ",VarPiece "other_var",StaticPiece " s"]
Right [BlockPiece "body" [StaticPiece ""]]
Right [BlockPiece "body" [VarPiece "hello",StaticPiece ""]]
Right [BlockPiece "body" [StaticPiece "{% "]]
Left (line 1, column 32):
unexpected end of input
expecting "{% endblock %}", block tag or variable
Right [BlockPiece "body" [StaticPiece " {} { {{ }{ {{{}} cool } ",BlockPiece "inner_body" [StaticPiece " Hello: ",VarPiece "hello",StaticPiece "",StaticPiece " "]]]
Right [StaticPiece "{% block body %} {} ",VarPiece "cool",StaticPiece " {% block inner_body %} Hello: ",VarPiece "hello",StaticPiece "{% endblock %}{% endblock %} ldsakjf"]
Left (line 1, column 32):
unexpected end of input
expecting "{% endblock %}", block tag or variable
Upvotes: 2
Views: 687
Reputation: 32475
Let's rewrite some of the parsers to make things run smoothly.
Firstly, we'll need to use parsers that match {% something or other %}
, so let's make that a function:
tag p = between (string "{%" >> spaces) (spaces >> string "%}") p <?> "tag"
ghci> parse (tag $ string "any parser here") "" "{% any parser here %}"
Right "any parser here"
Let's use manyTill
in parseBlock
, to grab the endblock tag. I'm still using try
, because tag (string "endblock")
can fail having read some input, eg {
at the start of a variable or other non-tag.
parseBlock = do
blockName <- tag (string "block" >> spaces >> noWhitespace) <?> "block tag"
blockContent <- manyTill parsePiece (try $ tag $ string "endblock")
return $ BlockPiece blockName blockContent
is the source of most of the problems with this parser - it allows anything except a tag or var, which is always problematic - parsers are much better at following rules than being liberal.
We need to stop parseStatic
from just eating the remainder of the input, so that the nonstatic parsers get a chance to try again, so let's make a parser to peek at the next character without using it up in any way. Using a single character like this avoids lots of backtracking, although we'll see later there's some combining to do.
peekChar = void . try . lookAhead .char
also mustn't match the empty string - parsers that match the empty string aren't allowed to be used with any many
combinator, because they would allow infinite parses like [StaticPiece "",StaticPiece "",StaticPiece ""..]
That's why we'll allow any character we like (including {
) then as many characters as we like that aren't {
. The only thing other than {
that can terminate a StaticPiece
is the end of the input, which is why eof
is allowed here.
parseStatic = do
c <- anyChar
s <- manyTill anyChar (peekChar '{' <|> eof)
return $ StaticPiece (c:s)
ghci> parse parseStatic "" "some stuff not containing { other stuff"
Right (StaticPiece "some stuff not containing ")
So we get
parsePieces = manyTill parsePiece eof
We now get nice parses like
ghci> parse parsePieces "" "{{ some_var }} string {{ other_var }} s"
Right [VarPiece "some_var",StaticPiece " string ",VarPiece "other_var",StaticPiece " s"]
but also uglier ones like
ghci> parse parsePieces "" "{% block body %} {} { {{ }{ {{{}} cool } {% block inner_body %} Hello: {{ hello }}{% endblock %} {% endblock %}"
Right [BlockPiece "body" [StaticPiece " ",StaticPiece "{} ",StaticPiece "{ ",StaticPiece "{",StaticPiece "{ }",StaticPiece "{ ",StaticPiece "{",StaticPiece "{",StaticPiece "{}} cool } ",BlockPiece "inner_body" [StaticPiece " Hello: ",VarPiece "hello"],StaticPiece " "]]
because parseStatic
stops every time we hit {
. Let's roll adjacent statics into one with a few helper functions:
isStatic :: Piece -> Bool
isStatic (StaticPiece _) = True
isStatic _ = False
unStatic :: Piece -> String
unStatic (StaticPiece s) = s
unStatic _ = error "unStatic: applied to something other than a StaticPiece"
We'll use span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
to collect up the non-statics and concat the statics:
combineStatics :: [Piece] -> [Piece]
combineStatics pieces = let (nonstatics,therest) = span (not.isStatic) pieces in
nonstatics ++ combine therest where
combine [] = []
combine ps = let (statics,more) = span isStatic ps in
(StaticPiece . concat . map unStatic) statics : combineStatics more
and rewrite parseBlock
to combine any statics in its block content:
parseBlock = do
blockName <- tag (string "block" >> spaces >> noWhitespace) <?> "block tag"
blockContent <- manyTill parsePiece (try $ tag $ string "endblock")
return $ BlockPiece blockName (combineStatics blockContent)
The tests now run as I imagine you'd hope:
Right [StaticPiece "Blah blah blah"]
Right [VarPiece "some_var",StaticPiece " string ",VarPiece "other_var",StaticPiece " s"]
Right [BlockPiece "body" []]
Right [BlockPiece "body" [VarPiece "hello"]]
Right [BlockPiece "body" [StaticPiece "{% "]]
Right (BlockPiece "body" [])
Right [BlockPiece "body" [StaticPiece " {} { {{ }{ {{{}} cool } ",BlockPiece "inner_body" [StaticPiece " Hello: ",VarPiece "hello"],StaticPiece " "]]
Right [BlockPiece "body" [StaticPiece " {} ",VarPiece "cool",StaticPiece " ",BlockPiece "inner_body" [StaticPiece " Hello: ",VarPiece "hello"]],StaticPiece " ldsakjf"]
Right (BlockPiece "body" [])
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 7417
I think I figured it out.
I changed the code so that the parseBlock is the one consuming {% endblock %}
and not parseStatic.
parseBlockContent end =
manyTill (parsePiece (lookAhead $ try $ end)) (try $ end)
parseBlock = do
blockName <- parseTemplateTag (string "block") wordString <?> "block tag"
blockContent <- parseBlockContent (void $ string "{% endblock %}")
return $ BlockPiece blockName blockContent
It would be nice to have it so it doesn't need to backtrack so much though, especially since parseStatic has to consume a whole {% block %} {% endblock %}
to tell if it should continue.
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