Reputation: 177
I am confused as to why I am getting 128 bytes for scan-lines/rowpitch rather than the 8 I am specifying. The BMP in question being loaded is 4 pixels, red top left, green top right, blue bottom left, yellow bottom right.
Code is as follows:
ID3D11Resource *g_pOverlay_Staging = nullptr;
IWICImagingFactory* WICFactory = nullptr;
IWICBitmapDecoder * WICBitmapDecoder = nullptr;
IWICBitmapFrameDecode * WICBitmapFrame = nullptr;
WICPixelFormatGUID pixelFormat;
HR(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WICImagingFactory, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IWICImagingFactory), (LPVOID*)&WICFactory));
HR(WICFactory->CreateDecoderFromFilename(L"province_map.bmp", nullptr, GENERIC_READ, WICDecodeMetadataCacheOnDemand, &WICBitmapDecoder));
if (pixelFormat == GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR){
std::wostringstream outs2;
outs2 << "pixelformat = GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR" << std::endl;
IWICFormatConverter * FC = nullptr;
HR(FC->Initialize(WICBitmapFrame, GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppRGBA, WICBitmapDitherTypeErrorDiffusion, 0, 0, WICBitmapPaletteTypeCustom));
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> temp(new uint8_t[16]);
HR(FC->CopyPixels(0, 8, 16, temp.get()));
desc.Width = 2;
desc.Height = 2;
desc.MipLevels = 1;
desc.ArraySize = 1;
desc.Format = format;
desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING;
desc.BindFlags = 0;
desc.MiscFlags = 0;
initData.pSysMem = temp.get();
initData.SysMemPitch = 8;
initData.SysMemSlicePitch = 16;
ID3D11Texture2D* tex = nullptr;
HR(d3d11DeviceInterface->CreateTexture2D(&desc, &initData, &tex));
g_pOverlay_Staging = tex;
D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mapped_subresource;
HR(d3d11DeviceContextInterface->Map(g_pOverlay_Staging, 0, D3D11_MAP_READ_WRITE, 0, &mapped_subresource));
uint8_t * v = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(mapped_subresource.pData);
unsigned int x = 0;
while (x < 256 ) {
std::bitset<8> one(v[x]);
std::bitset<8> two(v[x+1]);
std::bitset<8> three(v[x+2]);
std::bitset<8> four(v[x + 3]);
std::wostringstream outs1;
outs1 << "x[" << x << "] = " << one << " x[" << x + 1 << "] = " << two << " x[" << x + 2 << "] = " << three << " x[" << x + 3 << "] = " << four << std::endl;
x += 4;
Output is:
pixelformat = GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR
x[0] = 11111111 x[1] = 00000000 x[2] = 00000000 x[3] = 11111111
x[4] = 00000000 x[5] = 11111111 x[6] = 00000000 x[7] = 11111111
x[8] = 00000000 x[9] = 00000000 x[10] = 00000000 x[11] = 00000000
x[12] = 00000000 x[13] = 00000000 x[14] = 00000000 x[15] = 00000000
x[16] = 00000000 x[17] = 00000000 x[18] = 00000000 x[19] = 00000000
x[20] = 00000000 x[21] = 00000000 x[22] = 00000000 x[23] = 00000000
x[24] = 00000000 x[25] = 00000000 x[26] = 00000000 x[27] = 00000000
x[28] = 00000000 x[29] = 00000000 x[30] = 00000000 x[31] = 00000000
x[32] = 00000000 x[33] = 00000000 x[34] = 00000000 x[35] = 00000000
x[36] = 00000000 x[37] = 00000000 x[38] = 00000000 x[39] = 00000000
x[40] = 00000000 x[41] = 00000000 x[42] = 00000000 x[43] = 00000000
x[44] = 00000000 x[45] = 00000000 x[46] = 00000000 x[47] = 00000000
x[48] = 00000000 x[49] = 00000000 x[50] = 00000000 x[51] = 00000000
x[52] = 00000000 x[53] = 00000000 x[54] = 00000000 x[55] = 00000000
x[56] = 00000000 x[57] = 00000000 x[58] = 00000000 x[59] = 00000000
x[60] = 00000000 x[61] = 00000000 x[62] = 00000000 x[63] = 00000000
x[64] = 00000000 x[65] = 00000000 x[66] = 00000000 x[67] = 00000000
x[68] = 00000000 x[69] = 00000000 x[70] = 00000000 x[71] = 00000000
x[72] = 00000000 x[73] = 00000000 x[74] = 00000000 x[75] = 00000000
x[76] = 00000000 x[77] = 00000000 x[78] = 00000000 x[79] = 00000000
x[80] = 00000000 x[81] = 00000000 x[82] = 00000000 x[83] = 00000000
x[84] = 00000000 x[85] = 00000000 x[86] = 00000000 x[87] = 00000000
x[88] = 00000000 x[89] = 00000000 x[90] = 00000000 x[91] = 00000000
x[92] = 00000000 x[93] = 00000000 x[94] = 00000000 x[95] = 00000000
x[96] = 00000000 x[97] = 00000000 x[98] = 00000000 x[99] = 00000000
x[100] = 00000000 x[101] = 00000000 x[102] = 00000000 x[103] = 00000000
x[104] = 00000000 x[105] = 00000000 x[106] = 00000000 x[107] = 00000000
x[108] = 00000000 x[109] = 00000000 x[110] = 00000000 x[111] = 00000000
x[112] = 00000000 x[113] = 00000000 x[114] = 00000000 x[115] = 00000000
x[116] = 00000000 x[117] = 00000000 x[118] = 00000000 x[119] = 00000000
x[120] = 00000000 x[121] = 00000000 x[122] = 00000000 x[123] = 00000000
x[124] = 00000000 x[125] = 00000000 x[126] = 00000000 x[127] = 00000000
x[128] = 00000000 x[129] = 00000000 x[130] = 11111111 x[131] = 11111111
x[132] = 11111111 x[133] = 11111111 x[134] = 00000000 x[135] = 11111111
x[136] = 00000000 x[137] = 00000000 x[138] = 00000000 x[139] = 00000000
x[140] = 00000000 x[141] = 00000000 x[142] = 00000000 x[143] = 00000000
x[144] = 00000000 x[145] = 00000000 x[146] = 00000000 x[147] = 00000000
x[148] = 00000000 x[149] = 00000000 x[150] = 00000000 x[151] = 00000000
x[152] = 00000000 x[153] = 00000000 x[154] = 00000000 x[155] = 00000000
x[156] = 00000000 x[157] = 00000000 x[158] = 00000000 x[159] = 00000000
x[160] = 00000000 x[161] = 00000000 x[162] = 00000000 x[163] = 00000000
x[164] = 00000000 x[165] = 00000000 x[166] = 00000000 x[167] = 00000000
x[168] = 00000000 x[169] = 00000000 x[170] = 00000000 x[171] = 00000000
x[172] = 00000000 x[173] = 00000000 x[174] = 00000000 x[175] = 00000000
x[176] = 00000000 x[177] = 00000000 x[178] = 00000000 x[179] = 00000000
x[180] = 00000000 x[181] = 00000000 x[182] = 00000000 x[183] = 00000000
x[184] = 00000000 x[185] = 00000000 x[186] = 00000000 x[187] = 00000000
x[188] = 00000000 x[189] = 00000000 x[190] = 00000000 x[191] = 00000000
x[192] = 00000000 x[193] = 00000000 x[194] = 00000000 x[195] = 00000000
x[196] = 00000000 x[197] = 00000000 x[198] = 00000000 x[199] = 00000000
x[200] = 00000000 x[201] = 00000000 x[202] = 00000000 x[203] = 00000000
x[204] = 00000000 x[205] = 00000000 x[206] = 00000000 x[207] = 00000000
x[208] = 00000000 x[209] = 00000000 x[210] = 00000000 x[211] = 00000000
x[212] = 00000000 x[213] = 00000000 x[214] = 00000000 x[215] = 00000000
x[216] = 00000000 x[217] = 00000000 x[218] = 00000000 x[219] = 00000000
x[220] = 00000000 x[221] = 00000000 x[222] = 00000000 x[223] = 00000000
x[224] = 00000000 x[225] = 00000000 x[226] = 00000000 x[227] = 00000000
x[228] = 00000000 x[229] = 00000000 x[230] = 00000000 x[231] = 00000000
x[232] = 00000000 x[233] = 00000000 x[234] = 00000000 x[235] = 00000000
x[236] = 00000000 x[237] = 00000000 x[238] = 00000000 x[239] = 00000000
x[240] = 00000000 x[241] = 00000000 x[242] = 00000000 x[243] = 00000000
x[244] = 00000000 x[245] = 00000000 x[246] = 00000000 x[247] = 00000000
x[248] = 00000000 x[249] = 00000000 x[250] = 00000000 x[251] = 00000000
x[252] = 00000000 x[253] = 00000000 x[254] = 00000000 x[255] = 00000000
Upvotes: 0
Views: 615
Reputation: 6793
This is expected. After you've uploaded texture memory to the GPU, if you Map
it back for read, there's no guarantee that it will come back with the same pitch that you uploaded it as. This is because on upload, the driver re-lays out memory in a way that's optimal for rendering. When you bring it back to the CPU, the driver efficiently converts it back to linear format, usually in a way that reflects various properties of the texture cache or page size.
Upvotes: 1