
Reputation: 1399

Python and PHP SOAP server

I trying to use the SOAP service based on "PHP SOAP server". And I have a problem with the argument passing. When it's a scalar argument, all is OK, but when I try to pass the structure there is a failure. Python libraries create arrays in the different format. In this example I'm using the SUDS but the other libraries don't makes "right format" too.

Service WSDL:

PHP query:

$client = new SoapClient('', array("trace" => 1));    
                '[email protected]',
                     'is_report' => false,
                     'is_show_duty' => true,
                     'r_period' => 8,
                     'r_how' => 1,
                     'r_what' => 6,
                     'r_currency' => 0,
                     'r_is_place' => 0,
                     'r_is_tag' => 0,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="urn:ddengi"
                       xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""
                       xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=""
                <apiId xsi:type="xsd:string">demo_api</apiId>
                <login xsi:type="xsd:string">[email protected]</login>
                <pass xsi:type="xsd:string">demo</pass>
                <params xsi:type="ns2:Map">
                        <key xsi:type="xsd:string">is_report</key>
                        <value xsi:type="xsd:boolean">false</value>
                        <key xsi:type="xsd:string">is_show_duty</key>
                        <value xsi:type="xsd:boolean">true</value>
                        <key xsi:type="xsd:string">r_period</key>
                        <value xsi:type="xsd:int">8</value>
                        <key xsi:type="xsd:string">r_how</key>
                        <value xsi:type="xsd:int">1</value>
                        <key xsi:type="xsd:string">r_what</key>
                        <value xsi:type="xsd:int">6</value>
                        <key xsi:type="xsd:string">r_currency</key>
                        <value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</value>
                        <key xsi:type="xsd:string">r_is_place</key>
                        <value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</value>
                        <key xsi:type="xsd:string">r_is_tag</key>
                        <value xsi:type="xsd:int">0</value>
                <idList xsi:nil="true" />

Python query with SUDS:

client = suds.client.Client("")
params = {
    "is_report": False,
    "is_show_duty": True,
    "r_period": 8,
    "r_how": 1,
    "r_what": 6,
    "r_currency": 0,
    "r_is_place": 0,
    "r_is_tag": 0
print client.service.getRecordList("demo_api", "[email protected]", "demo", params)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns4="urn:ddengi" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
         <apiId xsi:type="ns2:string">demo_api</apiId>
         <login xsi:type="ns2:string">[email protected]</login>
         <pass xsi:type="ns2:string">demo</pass>
         <params xsi:type="ns0:params">
            <is_report xsi:type="ns2:boolean">False</is_report>
            <r_how xsi:type="ns2:int">1</r_how>
            <r_currency xsi:type="ns2:int">0</r_currency>
            <is_show_duty xsi:type="ns2:boolean">True</is_show_duty>
            <r_is_tag xsi:type="ns2:int">0</r_is_tag>
            <r_is_place xsi:type="ns2:int">0</r_is_place>
            <r_what xsi:type="ns2:int">6</r_what>
            <r_period xsi:type="ns2:int">8</r_period>

I tried to use client.factory.create() but it doesn't work: types list is empty. There is the output of print client:

Suds ( )  version: 0.4 GA  build: R699-20100913

Service ( ddengiService ) tns="urn:ddengi"
   Prefixes (0)
   Ports (1):
         Methods (28):
            deleteAll(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, )
            deleteObject(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:integer id, xs:string type, )
            getAccessStatus(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, )
            getAccumList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType idList, )
            getBalance(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType params, )
            getCategoryList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType idList, )
            getChangeList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:string revision, )
            getCurrencyList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType idList, )
            getCurrentRevision(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, )
            getExpireDate(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, )
            getOrderList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType idList, )
            getPlaceList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType idList, )
            getRecordList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType params, xs:anyType idList, )
            getRightAccess(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, )
            getServerSubs(xs:string url, )
            getSourceList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType idList, )
            getSubscriptionStatus(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, )
            getTagList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType idList, )
            getUserIdByLogin(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, )
            setAccumList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:string list, )
            setCategoryList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType list, )
            setCurrencyList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType list, )
            setPaymentTransaction(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:string transactionReceipt, xs:string amount, )
            setPlaceList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType list, )
            setRecordList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType list, )
            setSourceList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType list, )
            setTagList(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string pass, xs:anyType list, )
            userRegister(xs:string apiId, xs:string login, xs:string name, xs:string lang, )
         Types (0):

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2233

Answers (2)

Vladimir Sitnikov
Vladimir Sitnikov

Reputation: 1525

Here's the proper solution. Main pain points are:

  1.'s WSDL does not import nor Those schemas are used, so they should be imported. This is fixed by ImportDoctor

  2. suds library is rather old. I will use suds-jurko 0.6 as it seems to be more up to date. On the other hand, the same approach works for suds 0.4

  3. suds knows nothing of {}Map data type. Thus there's no way to instantiate that. I work around that by adding my own schema definition for xml-soap. I have no clue what it should look like, however the way I declare it works fine for me.

  4. sometimes prints ns2:... elements without declaring what ns2 actually means. Of course they mean

The first thing is to teach suds to work with Map type:

from import defaultDocumentStore
from suds.xsd.sxbasic import Import as XsdImport

defaultDocumentStore.update({'': \
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:tns="" targetNamespace="">
      <xs:complexType name="Map">
          <xs:element name="item" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                 <xs:element name="key" type='xs:anyType'/>
                 <xs:element name="value" type='xs:anyType'/>


Then you need to add missing imports to the WSDL:

wsdl = ''
soapenc = Import('')
soapenc.filter.add(None) # dd.wsdl does not have targetNamespace, thus None here
xmlsoap = Import('')
xmlsoap.filter.add(None) # dd.wsdl does not have targetNamespace, thus None here
# NOTE: replace NoCache with the appropriate cache
client = Client(wsdl, cache=NoCache(), doctor=ImportDoctor(soapenc, xmlsoap))

# Sometimes responses reference ns2, so we declare it explicitly
client.add_prefix('ns2', '')
client.add_prefix('SOAP-ENC', '')

Then you can instantiate that via client.factory.create(...)

raw_params = {
    "is_report": False,
    "is_show_duty": True,
    "r_period": 8,
    "r_how": 1,
    "r_what": 6,
    "r_currency": 0,
    "r_is_place": 0,
    "r_is_tag": 0

# Here we create the Map. Note how namespace is referenced
m = self.client.factory.create("{}Map")
m['item'] = [{"key": key, "value": params[key]} for key in params]
return client.service.getRecordList("demo_api", "[email protected]", "demo", m)

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 1399

With the help of J. F. Sebastian and this answer I found the solution:

# coding=utf-8
import logging
import suds
from suds.plugin import MessagePlugin
from import Import, ImportDoctor

logger = logging.getLogger("suds.client")

class SoapFixer(MessagePlugin):
    def marshalled(self, context):
        context.envelope.nsprefixes["ns4"] = ""
        MessagePlugin.marshalled(self, context)

    def _fix_types(self, elem):
        for attr in elem.attributes:
            if == "type" and attr.value == "ns2:Array":

imp = Import('')
client = suds.client.Client("", doctor=ImportDoctor(imp), plugins=[SoapFixer()])

raw_params = {
    "is_report": False,
    "is_show_duty": True,
    "r_period": 8,
    "r_how": 1,
    "r_what": 6,
    "r_currency": 0,
    "r_is_place": 0,
    "r_is_tag": 0
array = client.factory.create("ns0:Array")
array["item"] = [{"key": key, "value": raw_params[key]} for key in raw_params]

print client.service.getRecordList("demo_api", "[email protected]", "demo", array)

Upvotes: 2

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