Reputation: 173
I have made this little test:
casper.test.begin('Test', function() {
casper.then(function() {
casper = this;
setTimeout(function(casper) {
casper.echo('wait 5s');
}, 5000);
casper.then(function() {
this.echo('should appear after 5s');
}); {
When I execute this test, my console shows only this line "should appear after 5s" but not the first sentence, in fact the second 'then' does not wait for 5 seconds.
It's a huge problem because it's the possible cause of many random failure in my casperjs test suite.
Maybe I have to use async (with series) to execute each step after the other.
Do you have this problem ? What's the best practice to execute some javascript functions one after the other in casperjs tests ?
Upvotes: 8
Views: 6836
Reputation: 3274
"What's the best practice to execute some javascript functions one after the other in casperjs tests ?"
Here how i do :
casper.login = function (id,password) {
casper.then(function(){ //or this.then(...)
this.test.comment('----------------Connexion Only ! : --------------------');
if (!this.visible('#div_boxhover')) {
this.echo('Connexion box not visible before mouse on it!');
if (this.visible('#div_boxhover')) {
this.echo('Connexion box visible after mouse on it!');
} else { this.echo("FAIL : Connexion box doesn't appear");}
//this.echo("I can see the logo");
this.fill(x('//*[@id="div_boxhover"][1]'), {
login: id,
pass: password
}, false);'//*[@name="log_in"]'));
this.waitForSelector(('.boxValid'), function() {
this.test.assertSelectorHasText('.boxValid', 'Vous êtes identifié en tant que Membre !');
this.test.assertTextExists('Succès', 'Page contains "succès" : so identification done');
var x = require('casper').selectXPath;
phantom.injectJs( 'C:/bin/Aptana_casperjs/ccm/_functions/login.js');
casper.test.begin('\n********* Stack title : ***********\n', 3 , function suite(test) {
//check one main element in the page
this.test.assertExists('.search','Search toolbar present');
//set a viewport (for slimerJS)
//call an external function
.then(function() {
//then click on a link + fill the form which appears
.thenClick('div.colMiddle > a.button', function(){
this.fillSelectors('form#frmqa', {
'select[name="cat"]' : "2",
'input[name="titre"]' : title,
'textarea[name="message"]' : message
}, false);'input#submitqa');
//wait for the redirection after a click at the end of a step
.waitForText(topic, function() {
this.test.assertSelectorHasText('.boxTitle', 'Mes discussions suivies', "New topic in 'Mes dicussions suivies'");
this.test.assertExists('a[actid="shqafrm"].button','Button answer topic present');
//click on a new link
.thenClick('a[actid="shqafrm"].button', function(){
//wait for the textarea to appear
//send message and submit
this.sendKeys('textarea[name="message"]', newPost);'input#submitqa');
//check redirection or validation after a click on button/form/link
test.assertTextExists(newPost, 'Answer in topic ' + title + ' done');
.run(function() {
this.test.comment('----------------------- Stack title over ------------------------\n');
So i just call my functions in a new step.
Upvotes: 0