Reputation: 11
Here is my code which aims to create an XQuery request in order to find a word in a xml document (personne.xml, given below), but I have a problem: the variable $var
contains the whole xml file, even if I have selected the node $books-doc/Dictionnaire/mot
declare namespace page = '';
%output:doctype-public("-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN")
function page:start() as element(Q{}html)
<html xmlns="">
<title>Recherche de mot</title>
<h3>Mon dictionnaire</h3>
<p>Veuillez écrire mot à chercher</p>
<form method="post" action="traitement">
<p>Votre mot:<br />
<input name="mot" size="50"></input>
<input type="submit" /></p>
%rest:form-param("mot","{$mot}", "(no mot)")
function page:recherche($mot as xs:string) as element(Q{}html)
<html xmlns="">
<title>Recherche du mot: {$mot} </title>
<h1>Recherche du Mot: {$mot}</h1>
<p> Letraitement :
let $books-doc := doc("personne.xml")
for $var in $books-doc/Dictionnaire/mot
if ($var/genre != $mot) then
<li> {$var/genre}</li>
<li> {$var/genre} </li>
XML file personne.xml:
<genre>Mot 1</genre>
<synonyme>syno 1</synonyme>
<definition>Def 1</definition>
<genre>Mot 2</genre>
<synonyme>syno 2</synonyme>
<definition>Def 2</definition>
Upvotes: 1
Views: 93
Reputation: 6218
It is a namespace issue. You include a default namespace at
<html xmlns="">
You will either have to define the correct namespace or you could use the wildcard operator, e.g.
declare function page:recherche($mot as xs:string) as element(Q{}html)
<html xmlns="">
<title>Recherche du mot: {$mot} </title>
<h1>Recherche du Mot: {$mot}</h1>
<p> Letraitement :
let $books-doc := doc("personne.xml")
for $var in $books-doc/*:Dictionnaire/*:mot
if ($var/*:genre != $mot) then
<li> {$var/*:genre}</li>
<li> {$var/*:genre} </li>
Upvotes: 1