
Reputation: 2774

Get a range date and search a string

I have 2 date input fields, Start and End, and I have a String whom I would like to search for a range of dates, the range between Start and End.

For example:

Start: 20/02/2014
End: 25/02/2014
MyText: "In 21/02/2014 something happened"

What I am trying to do is get the dates between Start and End, in this case:


And search in the MyText, if one of the dates are inside it. If yes, I will Response.Write something.

At first I dunno how to get the array(?) of dates based on the Start and End input fields. And, I can search a string using InStr, but how to search for the array(?)

I just have a single date search, like:

   IF InStr(MyText, Now()) >= 1 THEN
   Not Found!

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1345

Answers (3)


Reputation: 7500

Ah, you like small code:

sd = cDate("20/02/2014")
ed = cDate("25/02/2014")
testString = "In 21/02/2014 something happened"

    found = (instr(testString, CreateObject("System.Text.Stringbuilder").AppendFormat("{0:dd}/{0:MM}/{0:yyyy}", sd).ToString()) > 0)
    sd = cDate(sd + 1)
loop until sd > ed or found

if found then wscript.echo "I found the date!"

(please note that sd is always one day ahead of the found date, you need an additional If found then exit do to circumvent that).

EDIT: After discussion in the comments, I think this is the better approach: Extract the date from the text and see if it is larger or equal than the startdate and smaller or equal than the end date:

sd = cDate("20/02/2014")
ed = cDate("25/02/2014")
testString = "In 21/02/2014 something happened"

set re = new regexp
re.pattern = "\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{4}"

for each match in re.execute(testString)
    if cDate(match) >= sd and cDate(match) <= ed then wscript.echo "Found date " & match

Upvotes: 1

Nathan Rice
Nathan Rice

Reputation: 3111

strStartDate will be your start date

strEndDate will be your end date

First thing we do is set the default value for whether or not we found your string. Next we find the difference between your start and end date in days, we then loop through every day between the start and end date. We use the DateAdd function to determine how far into the loop we are from the start, then we search the MyText string for the date found with the DateAdd function. If we find it, we set the boolDateFound variable to True and exit the loop.

boolDateFound = False
For intDateDiff = 0 to DateDiff("d",strStartDate,strEndDate)

  arrDateParts = Split(DateAdd("d",intDateDiff,strStartDate),"/")
  If arrDateParts(1) <= 9 Then
    arrDateParts(1) = "0" & arrDateParts(1)
  End If
  strCheckDate = arrDateParts(0) & "/" & arrDateParts(1) & "/" & arrDateParts(2)

  Response.Write "Date: " & strCheckDate

  If InStr(MyText, strCheckDate) > 0 Then
    boolDateFound = True
    Exit For
  End If

If boolDateFound Then%>
Not Found
<%End If%>

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 38745

Use a RegExp to find dd/mm/yyyy dates in your Text, generate a Date (DateSerial) from the parts of each string, compare the found date against the range, store if appropriate.

In Code:

Option Explicit

Dim greDate : Set greDate = New RegExp
greDate.Global  = True
greDate.Pattern = "(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{4})"  ' dd/mm/yyyy

Dim aTests : aTests = Array( _
      "In 21/02/2014 something happened" _
    , "" _
    , "pi 19/02/2014 pa 26/02/2014 po" _
    , "In 21/02/2013 something happened" _
    , "pi 19/02/2014 pu 20/02/2014 pa 21/02/2014 22/02/2014  23/02/2014  24/02/2014  25/02/2014 26/02/2014 po" _
Dim sTest
Dim dtFrom : dtFrom = #2/20/2014#
Dim dtTo   : dtTo   = #2/25/2014#
For Each sTest In aTests
    WScript.Echo "-----", qq(sTest)
    Dim aDates : aDates = getDatesFrom(sTest, dtFrom, dtTo)
    If -1 = UBound(aDates) Then
      WScript.Echo " no interesting dates found."
      WScript.Echo " found (m/d/yyyy!)", Join(aDates, ", ")
    End If

Function getDatesFrom(sText, dtFrom, dtTo)
  ReDim aTmp(-1)
  Dim oMTS : Set oMTS = greDate.Execute(sText)
  Dim oMT, dtFound
  For Each oMT In oMTS
      ' dd/mm/yyyy
      dtFound = DateSerial(CInt(oMT.SubMatches(2)), cInt(oMT.SubMatches(1)), CInt(oMT.SubMatches(0)))
      If dtFound >= dtFrom And dtFound <= dtTo Then
        ReDim Preserve aTmp(Ubound(aTmp) + 1)
        aTmp(Ubound(aTmp)) = dtFound
      End If
  getDatesFrom = aTmp
End Function

Function qq(s) : qq = """" & s & """" : End Function


cscript 21994835.vbs
----- "In 21/02/2014 something happened"
 found (m/d/yyyy!) 2/21/2014
----- ""
 no interesting dates found.
----- "pi 19/02/2014 pa 26/02/2014 po"
 no interesting dates found.
----- "In 21/02/2013 something happened"
 no interesting dates found.
----- "pi 19/02/2014 pu 20/02/2014 pa 21/02/2014 22/02/2014  23/02/2014  24/02/2014  25/02/2014 26/02/2014 po"
 found (m/d/yyyy!) 2/20/2014, 2/21/2014, 2/22/2014, 2/23/2014, 2/24/2014, 2/25/2014

Upvotes: 2

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