
Reputation: 718

JFreeChart: how to set gradient paint for series in spider chart

I have a chart with this presentation:

Current chart

But I require to do this:

Expected chart

How do I set correctly the gradient paint for series?. Here is what I have:

public class SpiderWebChartDemo1 extends ApplicationFrame {

    public SpiderWebChartDemo1(String s) {
        JPanel jpanel = createDemoPanel();
        jpanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 270));

    private static CategoryDataset createDataset() {
        String s = "First";
        String s3 = "Self leadership";
        String s4 = "Organization leadership";
        String s5 = "Team leadership";
        DefaultCategoryDataset defaultcategorydataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
        defaultcategorydataset.addValue(1.0D, s, s3);
        defaultcategorydataset.addValue(4D, s, s4);
        defaultcategorydataset.addValue(3D, s, s5);
        return defaultcategorydataset;

    private static JFreeChart createChart(CategoryDataset categorydataset) {
        Color bckColor1 = Color.decode("#4282CE"); //Light blue
        Color bckColor2 = Color.decode("#9BC1FF"); //Dark blue
        Color axisColor = Color.decode("#DD0010"); //Red
        SpiderWebPlot plot = new SpiderWebPlot(categorydataset);
        Paint p = new GradientPaint(0,0,bckColor1,0,0,bckColor2);
        JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart("Spider Web Chart Demo 1"
                , TextTitle.DEFAULT_FONT, plot, false);

        LegendTitle legendtitle = new LegendTitle(plot);
        return chart;

    public static JPanel createDemoPanel() {
        JFreeChart jfreechart = createChart(createDataset());
        return new ChartPanel(jfreechart);

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        SpiderWebChartDemo1 spiderwebchartdemo1 = new SpiderWebChartDemo1("SpiderWebChartDemo1");

I've seen gradient paint in bar charts, but not for spider charts. All I'm getting is transparent series.


Upvotes: 2

Views: 1912

Answers (1)


Reputation: 11440

You are setting the paint correctly however there are 2 things you should realize.

  • Gradient paints in java declare a start and end point. The first color will start at point 1 and transform into color 2 at point 2. If you use it to draw a polygon then the points are not relative to the polygons dimensions. Heres a picture to display, pt1 and pt2 in the picture are where your gradient start and end points are defined.

enter image description here

  • In an ideal world every setting is editable in a library but many times this just isnt the case. We can overcome that by overwriting methods in a subclass. You will need to override the SpiderWebPlot class and implement some of the painting methods. Heres a quick class I wrote up that does just that.

Take a look at the very end where it actually draws the polygon. I took this directly from the SpiderWebPlot source and altered the very end. To use this in your program call it like this GradientSpiderWebPlot plot = new GradientSpiderWebPlot(categorydataset, Color.decode("#4282CE"), Color.decode("#9BC1FF"), .8f);

Here are the results

enter image description here

public class GradientSpiderWebPlot extends SpiderWebPlot {

    private Color startColor, endColor;
    private float alpha;

    public GradientSpiderWebPlot(CategoryDataset data, Color startColor, Color endColor, float alpha) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
        this.startColor = startColor;
        this.endColor = endColor;
        this.alpha = alpha;

    protected void drawRadarPoly(Graphics2D g2,
                                 Rectangle2D plotArea,
                                 Point2D centre,
                                 PlotRenderingInfo info,
                                 int series, int catCount,
                                 double headH, double headW) {

        Polygon polygon = new Polygon();

        EntityCollection entities = null;
        if (info != null) {
            entities = info.getOwner().getEntityCollection();

        // plot the data...
        for (int cat = 0; cat < catCount; cat++) {

            Number dataValue = getPlotValue(series, cat);

            if (dataValue != null) {
                double value = dataValue.doubleValue();

                if (value >= 0) { // draw the polygon series...

                    // Finds our starting angle from the centre for this axis

                    double angle = getStartAngle()
                        + (getDirection().getFactor() * cat * 360 / catCount);

                    // The following angle calc will ensure there isn't a top
                    // vertical axis - this may be useful if you don't want any
                    // given criteria to 'appear' move important than the
                    // others..
                    //  + (getDirection().getFactor()
                    //        * (cat + 0.5) * 360 / catCount);

                    // find the point at the appropriate distance end point
                    // along the axis/angle identified above and add it to the
                    // polygon

                    Point2D point = getWebPoint(plotArea, angle,
                            value / this.getMaxValue());
                    polygon.addPoint((int) point.getX(), (int) point.getY());

                    // put an elipse at the point being plotted..

                    Paint paint = getSeriesPaint(series);
                    Paint outlinePaint = getSeriesOutlinePaint(series);
                    Stroke outlineStroke = getSeriesOutlineStroke(series);

                    Ellipse2D head = new Ellipse2D.Double(point.getX()
                            - headW / 2, point.getY() - headH / 2, headW,

                    if (entities != null) {
                        int row = 0; int col = 0;
                        if (this.getDataExtractOrder() == TableOrder.BY_ROW) {
                            row = series;
                            col = cat;
                        else {
                            row = cat;
                            col = series;
                        String tip = null;
                        if (this.getToolTipGenerator() != null) {
                            tip = this.getToolTipGenerator().generateToolTip(
                                    this.getDataset(), row, col);

                        String url = null;
                        if (this.getURLGenerator() != null) {
                            url = this.getURLGenerator().generateURL(this.getDataset(),
                                   row, col);

                        Shape area = new Rectangle(
                                (int) (point.getX() - headW),
                                (int) (point.getY() - headH),
                                (int) (headW * 2), (int) (headH * 2));
                        CategoryItemEntity entity = new CategoryItemEntity(
                                area, tip, url, this.getDataset(),

        // Plot the polygon

        // Lastly, fill the web polygon if this is required

        Rectangle2D rec = polygon.getBounds2D();

        //Paint paint = getSeriesPaint(series);
        // create linear vertical gradient based upon the bounds of the polygon.
        Paint paint = new GradientPaint(new Point2D.Double(rec.getCenterX(),rec.getMinY()), startColor,
                new Point2D.Double(rec.getCenterX(),rec.getMaxY()), endColor);


        if (this.isWebFilled()) {
            // made this the variable alpha instead of the fixed .1f

Upvotes: 5

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