Reputation: 3382
I have one problem. I would like to merge two files together. Where:
File 1:
chr**1 10000** rs200132 A C 100.000
chr**2 20000** rs5000 C G 80.000
File 2:
rs200132 **1:10000** A 800 200 Nmf
rs210111 **1:10000** G 200 800 VFC
rs310000 **1:10000** C 100 500 tff
rs50001 **2:20000** T 500 100 jpp
rs60000 **2:20000** A 1000 10 jkl
chr**1 10000** rs200132 A A C 800 200 Nmf
chr**1 10000** rs210111 G A C 200 800 VFC
chr**1 10000** rs310000 C A C 100 500 tff
chr**2 20000** rs50001 T C G 500 100 jpp
chr**2 20000** rs60000 A C G 1000 10 jkl
Than, from the first file are the marks number after "chr" and in the second column the number. The same marks are in the second file, but there is in second column like 1:10000. I would like to join this two file but for the first file will be much more joined rows (f.e.: for the first row from the first file will be three rows from the second file.) Thank you
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Views: 149
Reputation: 54592
Here's another way using Perl:
perl -lane '
if (@ARGV) {
($x = $F[0]) =~ s/[^\d]*//;
$h{$x}{$F[1]} = [ @F[0,1,3,4] ]
else {
@t = split(":", $F[1]);
$r = $h{$t[0]}{$t[1]};
print join(" ", @$r[0,1], @F[0,2], @$r[2,3], @F[3..5])
' file1 file2 | column -t
chr1 10000 rs200132 A A C 800 200 Nmf
chr1 10000 rs210111 G A C 200 800 VFC
chr1 10000 rs310000 C A C 100 500 tff
chr2 20000 rs50001 T C G 500 100 jpp
chr2 20000 rs60000 A C G 1000 10 jkl
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 50677
perl -lane'
BEGIN{ $x=pop; %h = map{ $_->[1] => $_ } map [split], <>; @ARGV=$x }
$F[1] =~ s/.+?://;
$t = $h{$F[1]};
print join " ", @$t[0,1], @F[0,2], @$t[3,4], @F[3..5];
' file1 file2
chr**1 10000** rs200132 A A C 800 200 Nmf
chr**1 10000** rs210111 G A C 200 800 VFC
chr**1 10000** rs310000 C A C 100 500 tff
chr**2 20000** rs50001 T C G 500 100 jpp
chr**2 20000** rs60000 A C G 1000 10 jkl
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 14979
You can use this awk
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2]=$1;b[$2]=$4" "$5;next} {sub(/.*:/,"",$2); $3=$1" "$3" "b[$2]; $1=a[$2];}1' file1 file2
sat:~# awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2]=$1;b[$2]=$4" "$5;next} {sub(/.*:/,"",$2); $3=$1" "$3" "b[$2]; $1=a[$2];}1' file1 file2
chr**1 10000** rs200132 A A C 800 200 Nmf
chr**1 10000** rs210111 G A C 200 800 VFC
chr**1 10000** rs310000 C A C 100 500 tff
chr**2 20000** rs50001 T C G 500 100 jpp
chr**2 20000** rs60000 A C G 1000 10 jkl
Upvotes: 3