Reputation: 1022
I need to create a .app file in order to use my javafx application on osx.
I already read this, but it doesn't help much...
The tutorial above has a topic "DMG Package" but when I compile my app with the fxbuild there is no .app folder/conainer anywhere(also no dmg). What am I doing wrong?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 988
Reputation: 159566
Update 2022
Parts of this answer are obsolete.
The javafxpackager
tool has been removed from the jdk and replaced with the jpackage
If you wish to accomplish a similar task today, I encourage you to use the joackage
tool either by:
Executing jpackage directly from the command line or a shell script similarly to, but different from, this answer, OR
Executing joackage from a maven or grade build tool plugin, for example:
Sample Build Script
Here is a script which creates and installs a .app bundle on OS X.
#! /bin/bash
# Packages java code as a native OS X application
# - Fetches source for a Java Swing HelloWorld application from the web
# - Compiles the source
# - Packages the source into a native Mac application
# - Installs the native Mac application
# - Runs the native Mac Application
# Requires:
# OS X 10.8+
# Java 8b77+ (
# super user rights on the execution account
# To Use:
# chmod +x
# ./
# As the script executes sudo commands, enter your
# superuser password as needed.
# select java version
set JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version
# cleanup work directory and any existing application install
if [ -d work ]; then
rm -rf work
if [ -d /Applications/ ]; then
sudo rm -rf /Applications/
# create work directory and use it
mkdir work
cd work
# fetch a simple HelloWorldSwing sample java source from the web
mkdir start
cd start
curl -O
cd ..
# compile the HelloWorldSwing java source
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac start/
# create a jar file
$JAVA_HOME/bin/jar cvf HelloWorldSwing.jar start/*.class
# make an executable jar file
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javafxpackager -createjar -srcdir . -appclass start.HelloWorldSwing -srcfiles HelloWorldSwing.jar -noembedlauncher -outdir . -outfile HelloWorld.jar
# package the jar and java runtime as a native application with installer
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javafxpackager -deploy -srcdir . -srcfiles HelloWorld.jar -outdir . -outfile HelloWorld -appclass start.HelloWorldSwing -native -name HelloWorld
# codesign the application using your apple developer ID (if you have one)
# allows the app to be accepted by the Apple GateKeeper -
# codesign -s "Developer ID Application" bundles/
# mount the installer disk image
hdiutil attach bundles/HelloWorld.dmg
# install the HelloWorld application from the disk image
sudo cp -R /Volumes/HelloWorld/ /Applications
# unmount the installer disk image
umount `mount | grep HelloWorld | cut -d " " -f1`
# leave the work directory
cd ..
# run our newly installed application
open -a HelloWorld
Answers to additional questions
is there no way to create one on windows?
If you want to create a Mac App, you need a Mac (at least for JavaFX 2.2 or 8 apps).
WAIT- is this only Java 8?? "Requires: Java 8b77+"
The script might also work with later versions of Java 7 (e.g. after build 6), but I have never tried it with those versions.
It definitely won't work with early versions of Java 7 (e.g. before build 6) nor any version of Java previous to that.
"Requires: OS X 10.8+"
The script might also work on OS X 10.7, but I haven't tested with that version.
It definitely won't work on 10.6 or earlier (and neither would the app produced).
tried a java class called app-bundler.jar but that didnt work
I've never tried app-bundler.jar and cannot comment on what it may or may not do. This solution does not relate to app-bundler.jar.
Upvotes: 2