Reputation: 13
I have a script that gives me all members of a group with certain desired information. I want this same format but for all groups that a specified username belongs to. I want information about each group, such as group type (ie security, distribution list). How would I do this? I want a different row for each group, with information about each group in the columns.
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
$myCol = @()
ForEach ($Group in (Get-QADGroup "CN=research,OU=Security,OU=Groups,DC=xxx,DC=com" -GroupType Security))
ForEach ($Member in (Get-QADGroupMember $Group -SizeLimit 0))
$myObj = "" | Select Group, Type, Member, Email, Username, Department
$myObj.Group = $Group.Name
$myObj.Type = $Group.groupType
$myObj.Member = $Member.Name
$myObj.Email = $Member.Email
$myObj.Department = $Member.Department
$myObj.Username = $Member.sAMAccountName
$myCol += $myObj
$myCol | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Users\sdevito\Desktop\test.csv" -NoTypeInformation
or. there is this code that i found that does something similar, but each group is in the same row, different column. i cannot figure out how to edit this code to make each group on a new row.
$alist = "Name`tAccountName`tDescription`tEmailAddress`tLastLogonDate`tManager`tTitle`tDepartment`tCompany`twhenCreated`tAcctEnabled`tGroups`n"
$userlist = Get-ADUser sdevito -Properties * | Select-Object -Property Name,SamAccountName,Description,EmailAddress,LastLogonDate,Manager,Title,Department,Company,whenCreated,Enabled,MemberOf | Sort-Object -Property Name
$userlist | ForEach-Object {
$grps = $_.MemberOf | Get-ADGroup | ForEach-Object {$_.Name} | Sort-Object
$arec = $_.Name,$_.SamAccountName,$_.Description,$_.EmailAddress,$_LastLogonDate,$_.Manager,$_.Title,$_.Department,$_.Company,$_.whenCreated,$_.Enabled
$aline = ($arec -join "`t") + "`t" + ($grps -join "`t") + "`n"
$alist += $aline
$alist | Out-File C:\Users\sdevito\Desktop\testt.csv
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3879
Reputation: 1909
How about something like:
#Requires -Version 3.0
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
function Get-UsersGroups {
param (
$user = Get-QADUser -Identity $Identity
switch ( $MemberType ) {
'all' { $groups = $user.AllMemberOf }
'nested' { $groups = $user.NestedMemberOf }
default { $groups = $user.MemberOf }
foreach ( $group in $groups ) {
$groupinfo = Get-QADGroup -Identity $group
$props = [ordered]@{
Group = $groupinfo.Name
Type = $groupinfo.GroupType
Member = $user.Name
Email = $user.Email
Department = $user.Department
Username = $user.sAMAccountName
$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
Get-UsersGroups -Identity bob | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Users\sdevito\Desktop\test.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Upvotes: 1