Reputation: 475
I'd like to put an image (a barcode more precisely) in a pdf doc generated by reportlab. I can put it in a table. That works perfectly with createBarcodeDrawing().
The point is that I'd like the barcode to change on each page. Thus, I want to put it in a canvasmaker.
Whatever method I use (drawImage(), drawInLineImage(),...), I always have an error. I even tried to use CustomImage from Reportlab [ Platypus ] - Image does not render without any success. Consequently, my question is how can I draw an image in a canvas.Canvas ?
Can anybody help ? Thank you in advance Dom (I am not a professional)
Following a remark I read on, I tried:
img = 'apple-logo.jpg'
This works, while 'C:\apple-logo.jpg' doesn't !! Nevertheless, I still don't know how to draw my barcode without writing it to a file before! If someone manages to do it, I would really appreciate. Bye
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.units import mm
class NumberedCanvas(canvas.Canvas):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
canvas.Canvas.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._saved_page_states = []
def showPage(self):
def save(self):
"""add page info to each page (page x of y)"""
num_pages = len(self._saved_page_states)
for state in self._saved_page_states:
page_num = self._pageNumber
mybarcode = createBarcodeDrawing('QR', value= ' - Page %s'%page_num)
def main():
import sys
import urllib2
from cStringIO import StringIO
from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Image, Paragraph, PageBreak
from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle, getSampleStyleSheet
#This is needed because ReportLab accepts the StringIO as a file-like object,
#but doesn't accept urllib2.urlopen's return value
def get_image(url):
u = urllib2.urlopen(url)
return StringIO(
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
styleN = ParagraphStyle(styles['Normal'])
# build doc
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
fn = sys.argv[1]
fn = "filename.pdf"
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(open(fn, "wb"))
elements = [
Paragraph("Hello,", styleN),
Paragraph("world!", styleN),
], canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Upvotes: 0
Views: 4272
Reputation: 7445
You were nearly there. Just replace self.drawImage(mybarcode,20,20)
with mybarcode.drawOn(self, 20, 20)
. The barcode is not really an image, more an barcode object which you can export to an image. As a side note: You are using the NumberedCanvas which is kind of a hack to get the total page count. As i see it you don't really need it, as you are just using the current page number. If you don't need the total page count, you can just define a canvas drawing function which draws the barcode on each page. For this you would do something like this:
def draw_barcode(canvas, doc):
page_num = canvas._pageNumber
mybarcode = createBarcodeDrawing('QR', value= ' - Page %s'%page_num)
mybarcode.drawOn(canvas, 20, 20)
#, canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas), onFirstPage=draw_barcode, onLaterPages=draw_barcode)
Upvotes: 1