Is it possible to make only one gridster widget resizable?
I've made it so the user can click on a widget heading so that it expands & contracts.
I'd like to make it so that when a widget is expanded, it is resizable.
Can this be done? If so, how?
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Views: 3460
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You can have only some "specific" widgets resizable modifying (only 4 lines of) the library as follows ( refer to gridster.js - v0.5.1 - 2014-03-26) ..
1) Update the add_widget function (modified lines are marked as "custom" in the comments):
fn.add_widget = function(html, size_x, size_y, col, row, max_size, min_size, resizable) { //custom
var pos;
size_x || (size_x = 1);
size_y || (size_y = 1);
if (!col & !row) {
pos = this.next_position(size_x, size_y);
pos = {
col: col,
row: row
this.empty_cells(col, row, size_x, size_y);
var $w = $(html).attr({
'resizable' : (resizable === true), //custom
'data-col': pos.col,
'data-row': pos.row,
'data-sizex' : size_x,
'data-sizey' : size_y
2) update the register_widget function (again, mind the word "custom" in the comments):
fn.register_widget = function($el) {
var resizable = $el.attr('resizable'); //custom
var wgd = {
'col': parseInt($el.attr('data-col'), 10),
'row': parseInt($el.attr('data-row'), 10),
'size_x': parseInt($el.attr('data-sizex'), 10),
'size_y': parseInt($el.attr('data-sizey'), 10),
'max_size_x': parseInt($el.attr('data-max-sizex'), 10) || false,
'max_size_y': parseInt($el.attr('data-max-sizey'), 10) || false,
'min_size_x': parseInt($el.attr('data-min-sizex'), 10) || false,
'min_size_y': parseInt($el.attr('data-min-sizey'), 10) || false,
'el': $el
if (this.options.avoid_overlapped_widgets &&
{size_x: wgd.size_x, size_y: wgd.size_y}, wgd.col, wgd.row)
) {
$.extend(wgd, this.next_position(wgd.size_x, wgd.size_y));
'data-col': wgd.col,
'data-row': wgd.row,
'data-sizex': wgd.size_x,
'data-sizey': wgd.size_y
// attach Coord object to player data-coord attribute
$'coords', $el.coords());
// Extend Coord object with grid position info
$'coords').grid = wgd;
this.add_to_gridmap(wgd, $el);
this.options.resize.enabled && (resizable === "true") && this.add_resize_handle($el); //custom
return this;
The new signature of the add_widget function is now:
.add_widget( html, [size_x], [size_y], [col], [row], [resizable] )
Just set "resizable" parameter to true if you want a widget to be resizable!
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 350
When resize is enable each widget get the gs-resize-handle class in a span element with the setup_resize() function.
so you can play with css to hide the resize handle with css by adding a custom class like :
.no-resize .gs-resize-handle-both{
and when you expand your widget your remove your custom class.
An another way to do this could be like in the demo on gridster expandable demo with a some change on the click event.
Upvotes: 2