Reputation: 555
from Data.Proxy
seems to be nothing more than a mere
data Proxy s
When do I need such an uninhabited type or rather, what does it enable I couldn't do otherwise, when does it simplify things compared to other approaches, and how is it used in practice?
Upvotes: 37
Views: 3917
Reputation: 21811
I frequently use Proxy
with its partner in crime Data.Tagged
, as the documentation indicates, to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments.
For example,
data Q
class Modulus a where
value :: Tagged a Int
instance Modulus Q where
value = Tagged 5
f x y = (x+y) `mod` (proxy value (Proxy::Proxy Q))
An alternative way to write that without Tagged
data Q
class Modulus a where
value :: Proxy a -> Int
instance Modulus Q where
value _ = 5
f x y = (x+y) `mod` (value (Proxy::Proxy Q))
In both examples, we could also remove the Proxy
type and just use an undefined :: Q
to pass in the phantom type. However, using undefined is generally frowned upon because of the problems that can ensue if that value is ever evaluated. Consider the following:
data P = Three
| Default
instance Modulus P where
value Three = 3
value _ = 5
f x y = (x+y) `mod` (value (undefined :: P))
which is a valid way to write the instance if I use the Default
constructor, the program would crash since I'm trying to evaluate undefined
. Thus the Proxy
type gives type safety for phantom types.
As Carl pointed out, another benefit of Proxy
is the ability to have a phantom type of kind other than *
. For example, I'm messing around with type lists:
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, DataKinds, TypeOperators,
MultiParamTypeClasses, PolyKinds, FlexibleContexts,
ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Proxy
class Foo (a::[*]) b where
foo:: Tagged a [b]
instance Foo '[] Int where
foo = Tagged []
instance (Foo xs Int) => Foo (x ': xs) Int where
foo = Tagged $ 1 : (proxy foo (Proxy :: Proxy xs)) -- xs has kind [*]
toUnary :: [Int]
toUnary = proxy foo (Proxy :: Proxy '[Int, Bool, String, Double, Float])
However, since undefined
is a value, its type must have kind *
or #
. If I tried to use undefined
in my example, I'd need something like undefined :: '[Int, Bool, String, Double, Float]
, which results in the compile error:
Kind mis-match
Expected kind `OpenKind',
but '[Int, Bool, String, Double, Float] has kind `[*]'
For more on kinds, check this out. Given the error message, I expected to be able to write undefined :: Int#
, but I still got the error Couldn't match kind # against *
, so apparently this is a case of a poor GHC error message, or a simple mistake on my part.
Upvotes: 21