Reputation: 945
I found many sources to get the cpu usage of each process. in general there are many ways to get the cpu usage of process .
For the remote process monitoring(my scenario is remote monitoring), the percentprocessortime always shows value 0 to 100+. this 100+ happens because of multiple processors in a system. it can be calculated by using percentprocessortime/ processorcount.
Question in firstway:
i can read the percentprocessortime in wmi explorer, it shows all the values are 0 or 100 only not other than this value. is this value is correct? or is it useful for monitoring the value?
Second Way:
for PerformanceCounter class monitoring, it can be done for local only. so i cannot use this. is it possible to use this for remote?
Third Way:
(biggest confusion happening here in terms of which formula to use.) this calculation is made either by a PerformanceCounter class or win32_process class from wmi. some says to calculate the performance counter by using the follwing
consider single CPU and
(processor\%processor time) = 10%
(processor\%user time) = 8%
(processor\% privilege time) = 2%
(process\% processor time\your application) = 80%
You application is using 80% of the (processor\% user time) which is (8*.8)=6.4% of the CPU.
for more refer here.
by calculating the usermodetime and kernelmodetime from win32_process by using the following formulae
DateTime firstSample, secondSample;
firstSample = DateTime.Now;
//get cpu usage
ulong u_oldCPU = (ulong)queryObj.Properties["UserModeTime"].Value
//sleep to create interval
//refresh object
secondSample = DateTime.Now;
//get new usage
ulong u_newCPU = (ulong)queryObj.Properties["UserModeTime"].Value
+ (ulong)queryObj.Properties["KernelModeTime"].Value;
decimal msPassed = Convert.ToDecimal(
(secondSample - firstSample).TotalMilliseconds);
//formula to get CPU ussage
if (u_newCPU > u_oldCPU)
PercentProcessorTime = (decimal)((u_newCPU - u_oldCPU) /
(msPassed * 100 * Environment.ProcessorCount));
Console.WriteLine("Process name " + queryObj.Properties["name"].value);
Console.WriteLine("processor time " + PercentProcessorTime);
the above code results output in 85.999 and sometimes 135.89888. i was so confused which way can i calculate the cpu usage of process.
Note: Its a duplicate. I cannot come to the conclusion from the existing sources. and i was confused. so only i asked a question.
Upvotes: 8
Views: 26346
Reputation: 2135
You can use WMI to query this. I think you are looking for Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process class.
using System;
using System.Management;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WMISample
public class MyWMIQuery
public static void Main()
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",
"SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process");
foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get())
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", queryObj["Name"]);
Console.WriteLine("PercentProcessorTime: {0}", queryObj["PercentProcessorTime"]);
catch (ManagementException e)
MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while querying for WMI data: " + e.Message);
Upvotes: 4