
Reputation: 313

Abaqus aborts script in command prompt - IndexError: -1

I get the error IndexError: -1

I'm trying to run a Python script in command prompt. When I run it through Abaqus CAE, it works. When I try run using command prompt without GUI i get the error.

I am able to complete the job, but my script also opens the output database. It is at this step error appears.

I've tried googling it, but I didn't get any smarter. What does this generally mean in Python? And why does my script work in abaqus, but only halfway through command prompt?

Thank you!

from time import gmtime, strftime
import time, os
from abaqus import *
from part import *
from material import *
from section import *
from assembly import *
from step import *
from interaction import *
from load import *
from mesh import *
from job import *
from sketch import *
from visualization import *
from connectorBehavior import *
from odbAccess import *

mdb = openMdb(pathName='X:\MinPreload-VaryingBC')
modelName = 'minPreload'
cMdb = mdb.models[modelName]

date = strftime("%Y-%d-%b", gmtime())

logPath_bu = 'C:\Users\yyt\maxMin-%s.txt' %date
logObj_bu = open(logPath_bu, 'a')
TopOfThePage = 'JobName\tCFNM at Preload\tTime Finished\tPreload\n\n'

output = open('C:\yyt\Output-%s.txt' %date, 'a')
output.write('Job \t\t\t'+'PS723\t\t'+'PS721\t\t'+'PL\t\t'+'FRIC\n\n')

jobName = ""
maxCf = 0.0

minTemp = -49
maxTemp = 101
temperature = [minTemp, maxTemp]
bcTemp = 'Temperature'

friction = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0,3, 0.4, 0,4, 0.5, 0.5]
interactionProperty = 'Contact Seal Coupler'

Pressure = True

internalPressure = 76
internalPressBC = cMdb.loads['IP']
setInternalPressureBC = internalPressBC.setValues(magnitude=internalPressure)

externalPressure = 33
externalPressBC = cMdb.loads['ExtP']
setExternalPressureBC = externalPressBC.setValues(magnitude=externalPressure)

# Preload

adjustedPreload = 0

PLipht = 10
PLiplt = 10
PLextpht = 10
PLextplt = 10

for temp in temperature:

    output = open('C:\yyt\Output-%s.txt' %date, 'a')

    tempBC = cMdb.boundaryConditions[bcTemp]
    setTemp = tempBC.setValues(magnitude=temp)
    if temp == minTemp:
        adjustedPreload = 0.10315
        adjustedPreload = -0.21288

    for fric in friction:
        tangProp =  cMdb.interactionProperties[interactionProperty].tangentialBehavior

        if Pressure:
            press = 'IP'

            press = 'ExtP'

        if temp == maxTemp and Pressure:
            PLi = PLipht
        elif temp == minTemp and Pressure:
            PLi = PLiplt
        elif temp == maxTemp and Pressure:
            PLi = PLextpht
        elif temp == minTemp and Pressure:
            PLi = PLextplt

        for PL in range (PLi, 100):
            axPL = float(PL)/100
            preloadBC = cMdb.boundaryConditions['axial_move']
            setPreloadBC = preloadBC.setValuesInStep('Pre', u2=axPL)

            clampBC = cMdb.boundaryConditions['clamp']

            modifyBottomCoupler = clampBC.setValuesInStep('Temp', -adjustedPreload )
            setPreloadBC = preloadBC.setValuesInStep('Temp', u2=(axPL+adjustedPreload))

            #Create a job

            fricInt = fric*10
            jobName = date + '_%dC-0_%df-%s-0_%dPLl' %(temp, fricInt, press, PL)

            mdb.Job(model=modelName, name=jobName)

            #submit Job


            #Wait for job to complete

            status = str([jobName].messages[-1].type)


            #Collect data from job
            lastStepName = 'Pressure'

            odb = session.openOdb(name=jobName+'.odb')
            region = odb.steps[lastStepName].historyRegions['NodeSet  Z000002']
            region2 = odb.steps[lastStepName].historyRegions['NodeSet  Z000001']

            CFNM1 = region.historyOutputs['CFNM     ASSEMBLY_SLAVEBOT/ASSEMBLY_MASTERBOT'].data
            CFNM2 = region2.historyOutputs['CFNM     ASSEMBLY_SLAVESURFTOP/ASSEMBLY_MASTERTOP'].data

            for i, var in enumerate(CFNM1):
                if i == len(CFNM1) - 1:
                    maxCf1 = var[-1]
                    print str(maxCf1) + 'CFNM1 724/723'

            for i, var in enumerate(CFNM2):
                if i == len(CFNM2) - 1:
                    maxCf2 = var[-1]
                    print str(maxCf2) + 'CFNM2 722/721'

            output = open('C:\yyt\Output-%s.txt' %date, 'a')

            if maxCf1 >= 10000 and maxCf2 >= 10000:

                time_done = strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime())

                logObj_bu = open(logPath_bu, 'a')
                logObj_bu.write(jobName+'\t'+'  CFNM1 = ' + str(maxCf1)+'  CFNM2 = ' + str(maxCf2)+'\t' + time_done + '%d\n\n' %PL)


                Pressure = not Pressure

                if temp == maxTemp and Pressure:
                    PLipht = axPL-0.02
                elif temp == minTemp and Pressure:
                    PLiplt = axPL-0.02
                elif temp == maxTemp and Pressure:
                    PLextpht = axPL-0.02
                elif temp == minTemp and Pressure:
                    PLextplt = axPL-0.02


What I get

End Abaqus/Standard Analysis
Abaqus JOB 2014-06-Mar_-49C-0_1f-IP-0_10PLl COMPLETED
IndexError: -1

Abaqus Error: cae exited with an error.

Upvotes: 0

Views: 1684

Answers (1)


Reputation: 39853

You have three potential pitfalls concerning the IndexError: -1


            status = str([jobName].messages[-1].type)


            for i, var in enumerate(CFNM1):
                if i == len(CFNM1) - 1:
                    maxCf1 = var[-1]
                    print str(maxCf1) + 'CFNM1 724/723'

            for i, var in enumerate(CFNM2):
                if i == len(CFNM2) - 1:
                    maxCf2 = var[-1]
                    print str(maxCf2) + 'CFNM2 722/721'


The IndexError itself indicates, that you are trying to access an elment of a list or sequence, which is out of range. Since you are using an index of -1, you want to access the last element of the list or sequence, so you should check for none emptiness before accessing any element, e.g.:


            for i, var in enumerate(CFNM2):
                if i == len(CFNM2) - 1 and var:
                    maxCf2 = var[-1]
                    print str(maxCf2) + 'CFNM2 722/721'


Note the and var at the end of the if clause.

Upvotes: 1

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