Reputation: 1655
As more and more devices have KitKat, I'm trying to compile a list of devices support HCE.
Does anyone have the list? Feel free to add comments to contribute to this list.
Below is what I have so far:
To detect HCE support, use this code snippet:
boolean isHceSupported =
Some people reported that KitKat HCE phones has "Tap & Pay" in NFC Setting. I don't know if using "Tap & Pay" as HCE detection method is valid because "Tap & Pay" can mean Tap & Pay using internal SE. It doesn't have to be HCE.
Upvotes: 16
Views: 25714
Reputation: 198
I added the following line to my Android Manifest and uploaded an APK to the Play Store to see what devices the Play Store says supports HCE:
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.nfc.hce" android:required="true"/>
The list I received back is below. Note that the Play Store says the Galaxy Note 3 does support HCE, but after testing it, the Note 3 does not support HCE. I think this will be the best way to make a list of devices that support HCE.
Coolpad 9970L
Coolpad 8971
Nexus 10– manta
Nexus 5– hammerhead
Nexus 7– flo
Nexus 4– mako
Nexus 7– deb
HTC6435LVW– dlx
HTC Desire 601– zaracl
HTCOneMaxVZW– t6wl
HTC One– m7wls
Butterfly S– dlxpul
HTC One– m7
HTC 802t– m7cdtu
HTC6525LVW– htc_m8wl
HTC One max– t6ul
HTC_0P9C2– htc_a5ul
HTC 9060– m7cdug
HTC Desire 601– zara
HTC One max– t6whl
HTC one (M8)– htc_m8
HTC One– m7wlv
HTC One dual 802d– m7cdwg
LG Optimus LTE3– fx1sk
Optimus GK– gvfhd
G Pro2– b1w
LG G2– g2
LG G Flex– zee
LG Optimus G Pro– geefhd
LG Optimus G– geehrc
G Pro2– b1
VU3– vu3
LG Optimus L9II– l9ii
LG Optimus G Pro– geefhd4g
G2 MINI– g2m
LG Gx– omega L70– w5n
LG Optimus G– geehrc4g
Droid Ultra– obake
Moto X– ghost
Droid Mini– obakem
Droid MAXX– obake-maxx
VEGA Secret IP– ef62l
VEGA Secret UP– ef61k
VEGA Secret UP– ef60s
Galaxy S4– jflteaio
Galaxy S4– jflteusc
Galaxy S4– jfltecsp
Galaxy S3– d2vzw
Galaxy S5– kwifi
Galaxy S5– k3g
Galaxy S4 Mini– serranolteusc
Galaxy Note2– t0lteusc
Galaxy S4– jfltecri
Galaxy S4– jftdd
Galaxy S4– jalteskt
Galaxy S4– ks01ltelgt
Galaxy S4– jfvelte
Galaxy S4– jflte
Galaxy Note2– t0ltektt
Galaxy S4– jflteatt
Galaxy S4– jfltespr
Galaxy S5– kltelra
Galaxy S5– klteMetroPCS
Galaxy S5– klteskt
Galaxy Note3– hlteskt
Galaxy S3– d2usc
Galaxy S4– ks01lte
Galaxy S4 Duos– ja3gchnduos
Galaxy Note2– t0ltelgt
Galaxy S4– ja3gduosctc
Galaxy S5– klteatt
Galaxy S4 Active– jactivelte
Galaxy Note3 Neo– frescoltelgt
Galaxy S4– jfltevzw
Galaxy S4– ja3g
Galaxy Note2– t03g
Galaxy S4 Mini– serranoltespr
Galaxy S4– jfltecan
Galaxy Note3– hltespr
Galaxy Note2– t0lte
Galaxy S5– kltetmo
Galaxy S4– ks01lteskt
Galaxy Note3– hltelgt
Galaxy Note2– t0ltespr
Galaxy S5– klteusc
Samsung Galaxy S4– jflteMetroPCS
Galaxy S4– jaltektt
Galaxy S4 Google Play Edition– jgedlte
Galaxy Note3– ha3g
Galaxy S4– jfltetmo
Galaxy S4 Mini– serranoltevzw
Galaxy S5– kltelgt
Galaxy S4 Active– jactivelteatt
Galaxy S4– jflterefreshspr
Galaxy Note3– hltektt
Galaxy S5– kltektt
Galaxy Mega 6.3– meliusltespr
Galaxy S3– d2vmu
Galaxy S3– d2spr
Galaxy S5– kltevzw
Galaxy S4– jaltelgt
Galaxy S4– jfltelra
Galaxy S4– ks01ltektt
Galaxy S5– klte
Galaxy Note3– hlte
Galaxy Note2– t0lteskt
Galaxy S5– kltespr
Xperia Z1– C6903
Xperia Z2 Tablet– SGP511
Xperia Z2 Tablet– SGP512
Xperia Z2– D6502
Xperia Z1– C6906
Xperia Z2– D6503
Xperia Z1– C6902
Xperia Z2 Tablet– SGP521
Xperia Z Ultra– C6833
Xperia Z1– C6943
Xperia Z Ultra– C6806
Xperia Z1 Compact– D5503
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1
i think any device without official kitkat support doesn't support HCE because of lack of vendor support, so installing cyanogenmod kitkat doesn't make it HCE compatible
Source: my HTC One X doesn't support HCE on CM ("this device does not support card emulation" in logcat when launching "tap & pay" by force because it's not in menu)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1529
I beleive All handsets with Android Kitkat, having NFC, supports HCE.
Based on above, here is the list returned by gsmarena - currently 77 handsets.
Top 70 out of 77
Samsung Galaxy S5
Sony Xperia Z2
Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Samsung I9500 Galaxy S4
HTC Desire 816
HTC One (M8)
Sony Xperia T3
Sony Xperia Z
Sony Xperia M2
LG Nexus 5
Samsung I9190 Galaxy S4 mini
Motorola Moto X
Sony Xperia Z1
Sony Xperia T2 Ultra
Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
Sony Xperia SP
Huawei Ascend P7
Samsung Galaxy S5 Active
Sony Xperia Z1 Compact
Sony Xperia Z Ultra
HTC One mini 2
Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 I9200
LG Nexus 4 E960
Sony Xperia ZR
Samsung Galaxy K zoom
Samsung I9505 Galaxy S4
LG G Pro 2
OnePlus One
Sony Xperia ZL
Vertu Signature Touch
Samsung Galaxy S5 mini
LG Optimus G E975
Samsung Galaxy S5 (octa-core)
Samsung Galaxy S5 G9009D
Asus Google Nexus 7 (2013)
Samsung I9305 Galaxy S III
Asus Google Nexus 7
Lenovo Vibe Z2 Pro
Samsung Galaxy Ace Style
LG G2 mini LTE
Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet LTE
HTC Butterfly
LG L70 D320N
Samsung Galaxy J
Asus Memo Pad 8 ME581CL
HTC Butterfly S
LG Optimus L9 II
LG Volt
Motorola DROID Ultra
HTC One M8 Prime
Asus PadFone S
Motorola DROID Maxx
LG G2 mini LTE (Tegra)
Sony Xperia Tablet Z LTE
BLU Life Pure XL
Motorola RAZR i XT890
Samsung Galaxy S5 CDMA
LG F70 D315
Motorola RAZR HD XT925
Motorola DROID Mini
Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet Wi-Fi
Samsung Google Nexus 10 P8110
Alcatel Idol 2 S
LG Lucid 3 VS876
Alcatel Idol 2 Mini S
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 157
I've contacted some manufactures:
- All devices from htc with nfc and Android >= 4.4 support HCE (I tested the HTC One M8).
- From Motorola only the Moto X support HCE.
- LG doesn't have a list but the LG G2 support HCE.
- The statement from Samsung is not jet available.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1
List of device with Android 4.4
Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (todas las versiones)
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Edición 2014
Sony Xperia Z
Sony Xperia ZL
Sony Xperia ZR
Sony Xperia Z1
Sony Xperia Z Ultra
Sony Xperia Z Tablet
LG T Pad 8,3
LG T Pro
LG Optimus 4X HD
HTC One Max
Asus Fonepad Notes 6
Asus Fonepad 7
Asus Padfone Infinity
Oppo Find 5
Oppo N1
Huawei Ascend P6
Huawei Ascend G700
Motorola Moto X
Motorola Moto G
Upvotes: 0