Reputation: 11
I have an array of json data :
[statuses] => Array
[0] => Array
[metadata] => Array
[result_type] => recent
[iso_language_code] => en
[created_at] => Sun Feb 23 21:50:00 +0000 2014
[id] => 4.3770592875932E+17
[id_str] => 437705928759320577
[text] => 2 new iPhone leads have just broken within 5 minutes of each. What are the odds of that?! No phone for a few days then!!!!
[source] => Twitter for iPad
[truncated] =>
[in_reply_to_status_id] =>
[in_reply_to_status_id_str] =>
[in_reply_to_user_id] =>
[in_reply_to_user_id_str] =>
[in_reply_to_screen_name] =>
[user] => Array
[id] => 221418717
[id_str] => 221418717
[name] => Craig Price
[screen_name] => CraigPrice1
[location] => Glanamman
[description] => Beer & Sport!
[url] =>
[entities] => Array
[description] => Array
[urls] => Array
[protected] =>
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[1] => Array
[metadata] => Array
[result_type] => recent
[iso_language_code] => en
[created_at] => Sun Feb 23 21:26:01 +0000 2014
[id] => 4.3769989372629E+17
[id_str] => 437699893726289920
[text] => @Mogz1457 how about a broken IPhone 3 eh?
[source] => Twitter for iPhone
[truncated] =>
[in_reply_to_status_id] => 4.3757491419192E+17
[in_reply_to_status_id_str] => 437574914191917056
[in_reply_to_user_id] => 347149526
[in_reply_to_user_id_str] => 347149526
[in_reply_to_screen_name] => Mogz1457
[user] => Array
[id] => 2353482857
[id_str] => 2353482857
[name] => Gwilym McCann
[screen_name] => theBigg_Mac
[location] => Cymru/Wales
[description] => The original Big Mac
[url] =>
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[description] => Array
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[created_at] => Wed Feb 19 23:31:15 +0000 2014
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[profile_text_color] => 333333
[profile_use_background_image] => 1
[default_profile] => 1
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[following] =>
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[hashtags] => Array
[symbols] => Array
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[0] => Array
[screen_name] => Mogz1457
[name] => Morgan Williams
[id] => 347149526
[id_str] => 347149526
[indices] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 9
[favorited] =>
[retweeted] =>
[lang] => en
I would like to add an attribute to each element in the array in the user element so it would end up like this
[user] => Array
[id] => 221418717
[id_str] => 221418717
[name] => Craig Price
[screen_name] => CraigPrice1
[location] => Glanamman
[description] => Beer & Sport!
[url] =>
[entities] => Array
***[selected] => 0***
[description] => Array
[urls] => Array
How would i go about doing this. This is what I came up with but to no avail:
$list = file_get_contents('tweets.json');
$json = json_decode($list, true);
foreach($json as $key => $val)
$array[$key]['selected'] = 0;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 95