Reputation: 303
I have a table with 365 records,this table also have one date column with null value.I want to insert date in all the rows with increment of 1 day with current date. Ex: current date in 1st column and in 2nd column it should be next day's and so on...difference should be of 24hrs between all the date records.
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Views: 173
Reputation: 1093
A stored routine with a cursor inside should do the job:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `insert_ascending_dates` $$
CREATE PROCEDURE `insert_ascending_dates`()
declare done int default false;
declare t_id int;
declare c cursor for select [id] from [table];
declare continue handler for not found set done = true;
set @dte = date();
set @strSql = 'update [table] set [date] = ? where [id] = ?';
prepare stmt from @strSql;
open c;
read_loop: loop
fetch c into t_id;
if done then
leave read_loop;
end if;
set @tId = t_id;
execute stmt using @dte, @tId;
set @dte = date_add(@dte, interval 1 day);
end loop;
close c;
deallocate prepare stmt;
END $$
After creating the routine, you'll need to call it as follows:
call insert_ascending_dates();
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 33391
You can use this update query:
UPDATE tbl SET Col2 = DATEADD(d, 1, Col1)
Upvotes: 1