Reputation: 129
I would like to know if there is a way to see queries executing on Informix.
If I use onstat -g sql
it just shows me the SQL statement type (if it is insert or select). But I want to see the complete query text like select * from table
It is possible to do that on SQL Server with SQL Server Profiler.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 20478
Reputation: 357
Not sure for 11.70 or earlier, but for 12.10 and newer, query the syssqlstat, which shows almost all the columns for onstat -g sql plus the SQL statement. The one column missing is whether the explain is off or on... I'm still trying to figure that one out. ^_^
$> echo "select * from syssqlstat where sqs_sessionid = 38737;" | dbaccess sysmaster
Database selected.
sqs_sessionid 9999
sqs_dbname my_dbname
sqs_iso 2
sqs_lockmode 0
sqs_sqlerror 0
sqs_isamerror 0
sqs_feversion 9.03
sqs_statement select * from my_table
1 row(s) retrieved.
Database closed.
$> onstat -g sql
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC12 -- On-Line (Prim) -- Up 01:19:08 -- 201687588 Kbytes
Sess SQL Current Iso Lock SQL ISAM F.E.
Id Stmt type Database Lvl Mode ERR ERR Vers Explain
9999 - my_dbname DR Wait 30 0 0 9.28 Off
Unfortunately, IBM hasn't documented the table... ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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Reputation: 1836
The onstat -g sql
and -g ses
will give to you the current and last statement parsed at the session and the complete statement + host variables (to current statement).
If you have quickly statements running, for sure you will miss a lot of them.
Here is an example:
$ onstat -g sql 170
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC6 -- On-Line -- Up 13:39:50 -- 529332 Kbytes
Sess SQL Current Iso Lock SQL ISAM F.E.
Id Stmt type Database Lvl Mode ERR ERR Vers Explain
170 SELECT sysmaster CR Not Wait 0 0 9.24 Off
Current statement name : slctcur
Current SQL statement (3) :
select t.tabname, c.colno, c.colname from systables t, syscolumns c
where t.tabid = c.tabid order by 1,2
Last parsed SQL statement :
select t.tabname, c.colno, c.colname from systables t, syscolumns c
where t.tabid = c.tabid order by 1,2
If you want to get all history of statements executed the best way available is using the 'SQL TRACE' resource. Which is available only after version 11.
This trace enable you save all statement executed at the instance/database/user/session into a rotatory buffer (when they fill, start to override it self).
You can watch this trace using the command onstat -g his
or querying the table sysmaster:syssqltrace
Here is a IBM manual reference for SQL TRACE
Just sharing, this is my "swissknife" to enable and trace someone... where I just change some parameters, comment/discomment what I need and execute with informix. After that I start to monitor the buffer with onstat/selects...
select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing off') as sql from sysmaster:sysdual
union all select sysadmin:task("set sql user tracing off") from sysmaster:sysdual -- USER mode
union all select sysadmin:task("set sql user tracing clear") from sysmaster:sysdual -- USER mode
union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing user clear') from sysmaster:sysdual
union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing database clear') from sysmaster:sysdual
union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing session', 'clear') from sysmaster:sysdual
union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing info') from sysmaster:sysdual
union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing database list') from sysmaster:sysdual
union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing user list') from sysmaster:sysdual
union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing session list') from sysmaster:sysdual
--union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing database add','testdb') from sysmaster:sysdual
union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing user add','aviana') from sysmaster:sysdual
--union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing session','on', sid) from sysmaster:syssessions where username = 'cinacio' and (sid in (0) or pid in (0))
--union all select sysadmin:task('set sql user tracing on ', sid) from sysmaster:syssessions where username = 'cinacio' and (sid in (0) or pid in (0))
--union all select sysadmin:task('set sql user tracing on ', 354851) from sysmaster:sysdual
union all select sysadmin:task('set sql tracing on',150000,'4000b','high','user') from sysmaster:sysdual
There are others options which are improvisation for such thing :
set explain
(informix specific statement).set explain on;
statement) or activated with the command onmode -Y <options>
.Quoting Art from this IIUG thread :
SQL Power Tools - from SQL Power Tools, Inc, - - Can capture 100% of queries issued over TCP/IP and load then into a repository (currently SQL Server but they are working using an Informix repository) from which their GUI viewer can display, manipulate, and report. Display is not real time as the data is captured in blocks of queries into flat files and bulk loaded into the repository periodically. Uses a network sniffer utility on the server or a separate box that has near zero impact on the server itself for capture.
iWatch - from Exact-Solutions, Inc. - - Can capture 100% of queries issued over TCP/IP and load then into a proprietary repository. Can display real time capture. Uses a network sniffer utility on your server or a sniffer appliance (for very high transaction rate systems) that has very low impact on the server.
Upvotes: 12