Reputation: 96947
If I have a class like this:
public class Whatever
public void aMethod(int aParam);
is there any way to know that aMethod
uses a parameter named aParam
, that is of type int
Upvotes: 154
Views: 181559
Reputation: 4160
You can't tell the name of the argument used.
You can retrieve the method signature with reflection and detect its argument types, however. Check getParameterTypes().
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1602
One simple method to read additional symbol informations from Java bytecode is:
Reflector reflector = new Reflector();
JavaMethod method = reflector.reflect(Whatever.class)
.filter(m -> "aMethod".equals(m.getName()))
String paramName = method.getParameters().getVariables().get(0).getName();
From Maven Central artifact:
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Reputation: 6400
In Java 8 you can do the following:
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public final class Methods {
public static List<String> getParameterNames(Method method) {
Parameter[] parameters = method.getParameters();
List<String> parameterNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {
if(!parameter.isNamePresent()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter names are not present!");
String parameterName = parameter.getName();
return parameterNames;
private Methods(){}
So for your class Whatever
we can do a manual test:
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class ManualTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Method[] declaredMethods = Whatever.class.getDeclaredMethods();
for (Method declaredMethod : declaredMethods) {
if (declaredMethod.getName().equals("aMethod")) {
which should print [aParam]
if you have passed -parameters
argument to your Java 8 compiler.
For Maven users:
<!-- Original answer -->
<!-- Or, if you use the plugin version >= 3.6.2 -->
For more information see following links:
Upvotes: 124
Reputation: 4706
As @Bozho stated, it is possible to do it if debug information is included during compilation. There's a good answer here...
How to get the parameter names of an object's constructors (reflection)? by @AdamPaynter
...using the ASM library. I put together an example showing how you can achieve your goal.
First of all, start with a pom.xml with these dependencies.
Then, this class should do what you want. Just invoke the static method getParameterNames()
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LocalVariableNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode;
public class ArgumentReflection {
* Returns a list containing one parameter name for each argument accepted
* by the given constructor. If the class was compiled with debugging
* symbols, the parameter names will match those provided in the Java source
* code. Otherwise, a generic "arg" parameter name is generated ("arg0" for
* the first argument, "arg1" for the second...).
* This method relies on the constructor's class loader to locate the
* bytecode resource that defined its class.
* @param theMethod
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static List<String> getParameterNames(Method theMethod) throws IOException {
Class<?> declaringClass = theMethod.getDeclaringClass();
ClassLoader declaringClassLoader = declaringClass.getClassLoader();
Type declaringType = Type.getType(declaringClass);
String constructorDescriptor = Type.getMethodDescriptor(theMethod);
String url = declaringType.getInternalName() + ".class";
InputStream classFileInputStream = declaringClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(url);
if (classFileInputStream == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The constructor's class loader cannot find the bytecode that defined the constructor's class (URL: "
+ url + ")");
ClassNode classNode;
try {
classNode = new ClassNode();
ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(classFileInputStream);
classReader.accept(classNode, 0);
} finally {
List<MethodNode> methods = classNode.methods;
for (MethodNode method : methods) {
if ( && method.desc.equals(constructorDescriptor)) {
Type[] argumentTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(method.desc);
List<String> parameterNames = new ArrayList<String>(argumentTypes.length);
List<LocalVariableNode> localVariables = method.localVariables;
for (int i = 1; i <= argumentTypes.length; i++) {
// The first local variable actually represents the "this"
// object if the method is not static!
return parameterNames;
return null;
Here's an example with a unit test.
public class ArgumentReflectionTest {
public void shouldExtractTheNamesOfTheParameters3() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, IOException {
List<String> parameterNames = ArgumentReflection
.getParameterNames(Clazz.class.getMethod("callMe", String.class, String.class));
assertEquals("firstName", parameterNames.get(0));
assertEquals("lastName", parameterNames.get(1));
assertEquals(2, parameterNames.size());
public static final class Clazz {
public void callMe(String firstName, String lastName) {
You can find the complete example on GitHub
methods. This is becasue in this case the number of arguments returned by ASM is different, but it something that can be easily fixed.Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 835
if you use the eclipse, see the bellow image to allow the compiler to store the information about method parameters
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 171154
So you should be able to do:
.find { == 'aMethod' }
.collect { "$it.type : $" }
But you'll probably get a list like so:
["int : arg0"]
I believe this will be fixed in Groovy 2.5+
So currently, the answer is:
See also:
For every method, then something like:
.findAll { !it.synthetic }
.collect { method ->
println method + " -> " + method.parameters.collect { "[$it.type : $]" }.join(';')
.each {
println it
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 3530
Code must be compiled with Java 8 compliant compiler with option to store formal parameter names turned on (-parameters option).
Then this code snippet should work:
Class<String> clz = String.class;
for (Method m : clz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
for (Parameter p : m.getParameters()) {
System.err.println(" " + p.getName());
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 12710
The Paranamer library was created to solve this same problem.
It tries to determine method names in a few different ways. If the class was compiled with debugging it can extract the information by reading the bytecode of the class.
Another way is for it to inject a private static member into the bytecode of the class after it is compiled, but before it is placed in a jar. It then uses reflection to extract this information from the class at runtime.
I had problems using this library, but I did get it working in the end. I'm hoping to report the problems to the maintainer.
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 153
see org.springframework.core.DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer class
DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer discoverer = new DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer();
String[] params = discoverer.getParameterNames(MathUtils.class.getMethod("isPrime", Integer.class));
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 832
See java.beans.ConstructorProperties, it's an annotation designed for doing exactly this.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 9924
While it is not possible (as others have illustrated), you could use an annotation to carry over the parameter name, and obtain that though reflection.
Not the cleanest solution, but it gets the job done. Some webservices actually do this to keep parameter names (ie: deploying WSs with glassfish).
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 597342
To summarize:
For the sake of writing autocomplete functionality for an editor (as you stated in one of the comments) there are a few options:
, arg1
, arg2
, stringParam
, objectTypeParam
, etc.Upvotes: 109
Reputation: 273972
It is possible and Spring MVC 3 does it, but I didn't take the time to see exactly how.
The matching of method parameter names to URI Template variable names can only be done if your code is compiled with debugging enabled. If you do have not debugging enabled, you must specify the name of the URI Template variable name in the @PathVariable annotation in order to bind the resolved value of the variable name to a method parameter. For example:
Taken from the spring documentation
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1586
To add my 2 cents; parameter info is available in a class file "for debugging" when you use javac -g to compile the source. And it is available to APT but you'll need an annotation so no use to you. (Somebody discussed something similar 4-5 years ago here: )
Overall in-short you can't get it unless you work on Source files directly (similar to what APT does at compile time).
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Reputation: 83310
Parameter names are only useful to the compiler. When the compiler generates a class file, the parameter names are not included - a method's argument list only consists of the number and types of its arguments. So it would be impossible to retrieve the parameter name using reflection (as tagged in your question) - it doesn't exist anywhere.
However, if the use of reflection is not a hard requirement, you can retrieve this information directly from the source code (assuming you have it).
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