Reputation: 280
My binding work fine, but after screen rotation I loose binding.
In OnCreateView I try to restore fragment by Tag, if FindFragmentByTag return null I create a new instance like this:
protected virtual TFragmentType PutFragment<TFragmentType, TViewModelType>(int oldId, TViewModelType vm)
where TFragmentType : FragmentBase, new()
where TViewModelType : IViewModelBase
var tag = typeof(TFragmentType).FullName;
var fragment = SupportFragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag(tag) as TFragmentType;
if (fragment == null)
fragment = new TFragmentType() { ViewModel = vm };
SupportFragmentManager.BeginTransaction().Replace(oldId, fragment, tag).Commit();
fragment.RetainInstance = true;
return fragment;
The probleme occur when GetFragmentByTag return some thing (in my case after sctreen rotation).
Before rotation:
Thank you in advance.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1272
Reputation: 280
Thank you guys, I specified "ConfigurationChanges" in the activity attribute
[Activity (ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.Orientation | ConfigChanges.ScreenSize | ConfigChanges.KeyboardHidden)]
it work fine now
Upvotes: 7