I have written an extender that formats a date when a user blurs a date input field (in other words, valueUpdate
is not 'afterkeydown').
The trouble is, though, that I need the value to update after each key down for certain other reasons, but I don't want the formatting applied until the user blurs.
Is there a way to set extender(s) to "manual", so to speak, and then manually invoke the extender(s) with something like this:
someObservable.applyExtenders(); //applies all extenders
someObservable.applyExtenders(['formatDate']); //applies a list of extenders
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Views: 208
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You don't have to do something so complex as manually applying extenders.
An easier solution would be to create a custom binding that validates the date as the user types it in, and then formats the date when the change event is fired off.
(function(ko) {
ko.bindingHandlers.dateValid = {
// set up bindings on the init function
// you can use afterkeydown to get the value as the user types it in
// then you can use the change event to do the formatting
init: function(elem, valueAccessor, allBindings, vm, context) {
function formatDate() {
alert('Im getting formatted!');
// add the other bindings to the node
ko.applyBindingsToNode(elem, {
value: valueAccessor(), // the observable
valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown',
event: { change: formatDate } // this will format on change not keydown
update: function(elem, valueAccessor, allBindings, vm, context) {
var val = ko.unwrap(valueAccessor());
// do validation or whatever needs to be done as the value updates here
function ViewModel() { = ko.observable('11/22/63');
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
Upvotes: 1