Reputation: 1011
I am trying to create a simple txt file as follows with two columns - the first is a date of the last modified date and the next is the full filename (including path):
/dir > list.txt
almost does the job but it groups all the files by directory and I am trying to get the directory on the same line as the filename and last modified date.
Do I need to use a batch script? or CMD line? I'm using Windows XP.
YYYY/MM/DD C:/Directory1/Directory2/Directory3/filename.txt
YYYY/MM/DD C:/Directory1/Directory2/Directory3/filename.txt
YYYY/MM/DD C:/Directory1/Directory2/Directory3/filename.txt
YYYY/MM/DD C:/Directory1/Directory2/Directory3/filename.txt
YYYY/MM/DD C:/Directory1/Directory2/Directory3/filename.txt
This almost works too but I can't get the last modified date:
dir /s /b > list.txt
Note - I will place this cmd or .bat file in the parent directory AND I can't install any programs or software (i.e. python, perl, etc.) solution must be simple CMD line or .bat file.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4810
Reputation: 371
I needed the same thing. I wanted to get the last modified date for all files in a directory and all subdirectories and output it to a file as did the OP. Magoo has listed the guts of it but what is missing is the saving to a file. So, this is what worked nicely from the command prompt:
for /f "delims=" %a in ('dir/s/b/a-d') do echo %~ta %a >>c:\temp\filelist.txt
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Reputation: 79947
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir/s/b/a-d') do echo %%~ta %%a
as a batch line, reduce %%
throughout to %
if you are running from the prompt.
(well - that gives you the date and time, then the filename - do you really want just the date?)
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir/s/b/a-d') do (
FOR /f "tokens=1-3delims=/: " %%q IN ("%%~ta") DO echo %%s/%%r/%%q %%a
yields the yyyy/mm/dd format you've specified on my system but I use a date format of dd/mm/yyyy - you haven't specified yours, so details may differ.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 2815
Since you are using Windows XP, it would be easier to get the required file properties using Powershell when compared to CMDLine/Batch Script. It is a bit cumbersome to retrieve last modified date of a file using CMD.
Try this :
$files=Get-ChildItem -recurse "full_path_to_test_directory"
for($i=0;$i -lt $files.Count;$i++) {
$fModified=Get-Date $f.LastWriteTime -Format "yyyy\\MM\\dd"
$out="$($fModified) $($fName)"
Add-Content -Path "full_path_to_destination_file" -Value $out
Save this as getFileProperties.ps1 and run it from the Powershell console.
You can also run the above powershell script from Command Line as follows:
powershell -File "full_path_to_above_powershell_script"
Upvotes: 1