David Korn
David Korn

Reputation: 1161

Is there a linux command to determine the window IDs associated with a given process ID?

Given a process iD of XX, I'd like to have a list of any window id's where _NET_WM_PID = XX. Even better would be the oldest still active window id if possible.

I'm very new to linux, but what I'm trying to do is create a script that would take a command line, and see if there's a windows already open belonging to a process invoked with that same command line. If so, just set focus to that window, otherwise execute the command line to get a new process going. My intention is to use this in my ubuntu desktop, where I'll hook this script into my easystroke mouse gesture commands, so that, for example, every time I gesture for gmail I don't get a brand new gmail session, I just get brought to my existing gmail chrome app window. Perhaps there's a much easier way to go about all this, but I haven't found my way to it yet.

With help, I've figured out how find a PID for a command line with pgrep and how to set focus to a window handle with wmctrl, but I'm stuck on getting from PID to window ID.

Upvotes: 59

Views: 80917

Answers (7)

F. Hauri  - Give Up GitHub
F. Hauri - Give Up GitHub

Reputation: 71017

$WINDOWID feature

Under xterm environment as some other implementation, you could find this variable:


So for any other pid:

Shortly by using sed:

sed -zne 's/WINDOWID=//p' /proc/$targetpid/environ


xdotool windowactivate $(sed -zne 's/WINDOWID=//p' /proc/$targetpid/environ)

Or in a pure bash function:

getWinFromPid () { 
    local pid=$1 array line
    [ -z "$pid" ] || [ ! -d /proc/$pid ] && return -1
    local -n result=${2:-winIDfromPid[$pid]}
    mapfile -d $'\0' -t array </proc/$pid/environ
    for line in "${array[@]}" ;do
        [ -z "${line%WINDOWID=*}" ] &&
            result=${line#*=} && return


getWinFromPid 123456 myWinId
xdotool windowactivate $myWinId

For other term, like gnome-terminal:

This is strong because we don't want pid of terminal process, but pid of shell using terminal. For sample:

wmctrl -lp

don't show wanted pids!

So we have to navigate in hierarchy of process

1. Get Window ID from process ID

1a. Current active terminal window

From active session himself:

SHWINID=$(xprop  -root | sed -ne 's/^_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.*[)].*window id # //p')

This work as you type this in any active terminal console.

Then now, with xdotool:

sleep 12; xdotool windowactivate $SHWINID

You can now switch to another window, will be back in 12 seconds.

1b. Window ID from any shell or subprocess ID

I wrote this little function:

getWinFromPid () { 
    local pid=$1 ttypid crtpid wid xprop ttycheck
    [ -z "$pid" ] || [ ! -d /proc/$pid ] && return -1
    local -n result=${2:-winIDfromPid[$pid]}
    read ttycheck < <(ps ho tty $pid)
    while [ "$ttypid" = "$ttycheck" ]; do
        read pid ttypid < <(ps ho ppid,tty $pid)
    while [ -z "$result" ] && read wid; do
        xprop=$(xprop -id $wid)
        [ "$xprop" ] && [ -z "${xprop//*_NET_WM_DESKTOP*}" ] &&
            [ -z "${xprop//*_NET_WM_PID(CARDINAL) = $crtpid*}" ] && result=$wid
    done < <(xwininfo -root -children -all |
       sed -e '1,/children:$/d;s/^ *\(0x[0-9a-fA-F]\+\) .*/\1/p;d')


getWinFromPid <process id> [<variable name>]

If no variable name submited, this will populate global array $winIDfromPid with pid id as index number:

getWinFromPid 1234 winId
echo $winId

getWinFromPid 1234
echo ${winIDfromPid[1234]}

declare -p winIDfromPid 
declare -a winIDfromPid=([1234]="0x0100012345")

Nota: this was tested with xterm, mate-terminal, konsole and gnome-terminal.

Nota2: If you already have wmctrl installed, you could replace two last lines of function:

    done < <(xwininfo -root -children -all |
       sed -e '1,/children:$/d;s/^ *\(0x[0-9a-fA-F]\+\) .*/\1/p;d')


    done < <(wmctrl -l|sed -ne 's/^ *\(0x[0-9a-fA-F]\+\) .*/\1/p');}

function will become approx 2time faster.

2. Get process running PID from a window ID

ps --ppid $(xprop -id $winID _NET_WM_PID|sed s/.*=//) ho sid |
    xargs -I{} -n1 ps --sid {} fw

or without ID, you will have to click with mouse:

ps --ppid $(xprop _NET_WM_PID|sed s/.*=//) ho sid|xargs -I{} -n1 ps --sid {} fw

Into a function

psWin() {
    ps --ppid $(xprop ${1+-id} $1 _NET_WM_PID|sed s/.*=//) ho sid |
        xargs -I{} -n1 ps --sid {} fw


30529 pts/2   Ss     0:00 bash
19979 pts/2   S+     0:00  \_ bash
19982 pts/2   S+     0:00      \_ xargs -I{} -n1 ps --sid {} fw
19986 pts/2   R+     0:00          \_ ps --sid 30529 fw

3. List of shell windows, with process

Finally, there is a little function for showing a list of window with process.

shWinList () {
    local pids=() wids=() wtitl=() ttys=() pid ttypid wpid crtpid line title desk ttycheck
    for pid in $(ps axho pid,tty| sed -ne 's/ pts.*//p') ;do     # list pid / tty
        wpid=$pid ttypid=
        read ttycheck < <(ps ho tty $pid)
        while [ "$ttypid" = "$ttycheck" ]; do
            read wpid ttypid < <(ps ho ppid,tty $wpid)
        [ -e /proc/$pid ] && pids[crtpid]+=$pid\  ttys[crtpid]=$ttycheck
    while read wid; do   title= pid= desk=                       # list wid / tty
        while read line; do
            [ "$line" ] && { 
                [ -z "${line%%_NET_WM_PID*}" ] && pid=${line##*= }
                [ -z "${line%%WM_NAME*}" ] &&
                    title=${line#*\"} title=${title%\"*}
                [ -z "${line%%_NET_WM_DESKTOP(*}" ] && desk=${line##*= } ;}
        done < <(xprop -id $wid)
        [ "${pids[pid]}" ] && [ "$title" ] && [ "$desk" ] &&
            wtitl[16#${wid#0x}]=${title} wids[16#${wid#0x}]=${pids[pid]} \
    done < <(xwininfo -root -children -all |
                 sed -ne 's/^ *\(0x[0-9a-fA-F]\+\) .*/\1/p')
    for xwin in ${!wids[@]} ;do  out=                            # merge & print
        printf "  0x%x %-9s %-40s " $xwin "${ttys[$xwin]}" "${wtitl[$xwin]}"
        for pid in ${wids[$xwin]} ;do
            mapfile -d '' cmdl < /proc/$pid/cmdline
            echo -n " $pid[${cmdl[*]}]"
        done ; echo


  0xa600024 pts/42    user@hostloc: /tmp            14817[bash]
  0x1c00024 pts/3     user@hostloc: ~               29349[watch ps --tty pts/3 fw] 31989[bash]
  0x4600024 pts/16    user@remote: ~                14441[ssh user@remote]
  0x6000024 pts/43    user@hostloc: ~               5728[bash]

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 101

I have very similar used case like what in question. For me finding recursively with pattern matching by PID from list of all windows, is not a solution, because it will be very slow. If I have a single PID why scanning all windows? well, like other said, it is not simple because I have to make sure that this PID is belong to the parent process.

Using pgrep, I can narrow search result of PID first, by searching the combination of the command and its params using regex pattern:

    pgrep -f "{command}.*{command params}"

The trick is when running the command that I want to find later, I need to supply some kind of very specific identification pattern. For example, running an xterm instance with specific classname:

    xterm -name myterminal

Then, I can easily get all procesess of the corresponding instance with this command:

    pgrep -f "xterm.*-name myterminal"

Off course, that pgrep command might return multiple results, luckily pgrep return the results in ascending order, so I am very sure the first one is the parent process who has the window:

    pgrep -f "xterm.*-name myterminal" | head -n1

Now I have single PID that I'm looking for, so I don't need to scan all windows and matching against this pid. Back to basic, If the environment scope is X11 then searching WindowID by PID using xdotool is enough for this case.

    WID="0x$(pgrep -f "xterm.*-name myterminal" | head -n1 | xargs xdotool search --pid | xargs printf "%x\n" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')"
    echo $WID

It will run very fast.

Notice that the output of xdotool is in Decimal format, while most of X-Window utilities command accept WindowID argument in hexadecimal format, something like 0x0XXXXXXX, thus just need to convert it with simple printf command. In most use cases, transform all non-numeric digit to uppercase is needed to make sure compatibility with various tools e.g: xdo, xprop, etc.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 582

Using pids requires random window-manager restarts to resume functionality. Using process names proved itself to be much more useful, simplistic, and very reliable.

I use openbox and a keyboard. I created and posted a small bash program called focus to launch and rotate among existing windows based upon process names which fully demonstrates how to successfully associate processes with windows.

This is most likely the best answer because it is a 'goto that program' via the command line in one-liner easily declarable in a window manager keyboard configuration file. But, this answer is very low on the list of answers.

Upvotes: 0

Adrian Bartyczak
Adrian Bartyczak

Reputation: 206

Here are multiple great X11 window management solutions.

Try wmctrl. Here's a script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:
#   getwindidbypid
# Description:
#   Get the ID of a window by PID (if the process has a window).
# Usage:
#   getwindidbypid <PID>

while IFS= read line; do
  if [[ "${line}" =~ (0x)([0-9a-z]+)([ ][- ][0-9]+[ ])([0-9]*) ]]; then
    if [[ "${pid}" -eq "${1}" ]]; then
done < <(wmctrl -lp)

if [ "${#WIND_IDS[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
  echo "${WIND_IDS[@]}"


user ~ $  getwindidbypid 37248

Upvotes: 7


Reputation: 61499

You can use:

xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowname

(As is: you don't need to replace those nice-sounding names with anything.)

Upvotes: 8

Petr Skocik
Petr Skocik

Reputation: 60143

you can look up PIDs with wmctrl too, as a matter of fact, and I think that's a better way to do it. xwininfo will return all sorts of entities which appear to be windows, but you won't really find them on your desktop.

If you do man wmctrl , you'll find that wmctrl -l lists all windows that are actually visible on your desktop with (most importantly) their window ids and titles. -p adds PIDs and -x will add window classes.

As the manual says ( RTFM, right? :D), wmctrl can also search through some of these and activate a window that matches the search. However, I have no idea what determines which one of all possible matches will be returned. On the other hand, you can use the provided listing function to write a wrapper that does the searching better and possibly based on some other properties (such as the timestamp of the last access to the window) which you can get by querying the provided win id to xprop, for example.

These lines of code below return the most recent instance a mate-terminal class window:

XTIME="_NET_WM_USER_TIME" #a shorter name for xprop query that shoul return timestamps
export TMPDIR=/dev/shm    #save tmp files to memory to make it faster
LST=`mktemp`              #tmp file to store our listing 
wmctrl -lx |  awk -F' ' '{printf("%s\t%s    \t",$1,$3); for(i=5;i<=NF;i++) printf("%s",$i); printf("\n")  }'  > $LST #pretty-print our listing of windows into the tmp file
 #To each line of listing, prepend a timestamp acquired via an xprop call
 #Use awk to find a line whose 3rd column (winclass) matches the window class "mate-terminal.Mate-terminal" and among those that do, find the one whose timestamp is the largest
while read LINE; do ID=`echo "$LINE"|cut -f 1`; TIME=`xprop -id $ID $XTIME`;  TIME="${TIME/* = /}"; echo -e "$TIME\t$LINE" ; done <$LST ) | awk -v s="mate-terminal.Mate-terminal" '$3 == s {if($1>max){max=$1;line=$0};};END{print line}'
rm $LST  #delete tmp file

Anyhow, for the thing you describe you are building—if I were you, I would find out what class of windows your desired command generates and then base my search on that, rather than on PIDs. Alternatively, you could presume that command CMD will possibly generate windows with a class name that includes CMD.

After you have found your line, you should use the window id
to activate the window via wmctrl.

Hope this helps.

A side note: I've found that xdotool can do searches based on class names and window titles too, but it is extremely slow. On my computer, this bash script (that calls quite a couple of external utilites) is 10 times as fast as the compiled alternative that is xdotool :P.

Upvotes: 44


Reputation: 2405

xwininfo and xprop permits to retrieve what you want, but it is a little tricky.

xwininfo permits to retrieve all known windows, and xprop to query X about a single window ID for your _NET_WM_PID parameter.

So far, a hacky way to do it would be:



known_windows=$(xwininfo -root -children|sed -e 's/^ *//'|grep -E "^0x"|awk '{ print $1 }')

for id in ${known_windows}
    xp=$(xprop -id $id _NET_WM_PID)
    if test $? -eq 0; then
        pid=$(xprop -id $id _NET_WM_PID|cut -d'=' -f2|tr -d ' ')

        if test "x${pid}" = x${findpid}
            echo "Windows Id: $id"


mycroft:~ $ ./find_windows.sh 1919
Windows Id: 0x1800748
Windows Id: 0x181b221
Windows Id: 0x1803ad5
Windows Id: 0x181f681
Windows Id: 0x181f658
Windows Id: 0x180006d
Windows Id: 0x1800003
Windows Id: 0x1800001
Windows Id: 0x180001e

As you will see, a single process may have a certain number of known windows, even if you see only one on your screen.

Maybe you should get these tools sources in order to make what you want.

Upvotes: 47

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