Reputation: 141
I am absolute beginner to Shell scripting. My task is to make a script, which will show functions used in a file (caller and callee). I have used objdump, grep, awk etc. to get this output:
000000000040090d <usage>:
000000000040095d <failure>:
400970: e8 98 ff ff ff callq 40090d <usage>
000000000040097f <strton>:
4009bc: e8 9c ff ff ff callq 40095d <failure>
00000000004009c6 <main>:
400a0e: e8 6c ff ff ff callq 40097f <strton>
400a26: e8 32 ff ff ff callq 40095d <failure>
400a41: e8 39 ff ff ff callq 40097f <strton>
400a59: e8 ff fe ff ff callq 40095d <failure>
400a9a: e8 be fe ff ff callq 40095d <failure>
400aae: e8 cc fe ff ff callq 40097f <strton>
400ac2: e8 b8 fe ff ff callq 40097f <strton>
400ad1: e8 87 fe ff ff callq 40095d <failure>
400afe: e8 fe 01 00 00 callq 400d01 <set_timeout>
400b1c: e8 3c fe ff ff callq 40095d <failure>
400b26: e8 19 00 00 00 callq 400b44 <print_fib_upto>
400b37: e8 89 00 00 00 callq 400bc5 <print_ackermann>
Okay, the result should look like this:
failure -> usage
strton -> failure
main -> failure
main -> print_ackermann
main -> print_fib_upto
main -> set_timeout
main -> strton
But I have no idea how to accomplish it. I'd know how to do it in C, etc, but not here. I think this is the right pseudo-code.
If (end of line == ">:")
caller == last column;
while (end of line == ">") {
callee == last column;
echo "$caller -> $callee"
Can anyone tell me, how to write this in BASH? Thank you very much, Maybe it's a silly question, but I don't know anyting about shell yet.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 231
Reputation: 584
Already answered, but for pure bash, it could be done as follows:
while read line
[[ "$line" =~ \<(.*)\>\:$ ]] && caller=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
[[ "$line" =~ \<(.*)\>$ ]] && callee=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
[ -n $caller -a -n $callee ] && echo "$caller -> $callee";
done < $1
The [[ expr ]] &&
means test expr, and if true, run what's afterwards. The =~
is a regexp matcher, where the value in the ()
's is stored in ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6421
The whole thing can be done with sed
reasonably easily, negating the need for preprocessing with grep
, etc. The following isn't perfect (you may have to tweak regexes and what is/isn't considered a match), but it should break the back of it.
objdump -d "$1" | sed -n "
/^[0-9a-f]\+ <\(${symbol}\)>:/{ # Match symbol in header
s//\1/ # Symbol only in pattern space
h # Save symbol to hold space
: loop # (until empty line)
n # Next line
/^$/!{ # If not an empty line
# Try matching 'callq' line and extract symbol:
s//\1/ # Symbol only in pattern space
G # Append hold space to pattern space
# Swap words in pattern space, adding separator:
s/\($symbol\)[[:space:]]\($symbol\)/\2 -> \1/g
p # Print pattern space:
b loop # Try next line
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 77185
You can try this awk
$ awk 'NF==2 {
gsub(/[[:punct:]]/, "", $NF)
caller = $NF
gsub(/[[:punct:]]/, "", $NF)
for(calls in map) {
n = split(calls, tmp, SUBSEP)
print tmp[1]" -> "tmp[2]
}' file
main -> printackermann
main -> settimeout
strton -> failure
main -> printfibupto
main -> failure
failure -> usage
main -> strton
$ awk '
NF==2 {
for(keys in map)
print map[keys]" -> "keys;
delete map
gsub(/[[:punct:]]/, "", $NF)
caller = $NF
gsub(/[[:punct:]]/, "", $NF)
map[$NF] = caller
for(keys in map)
print map[keys]" -> "keys
}' file
failure -> usage
strton -> failure
main -> strton
main -> settimeout
main -> printackermann
main -> printfibupto
main -> failure
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 63974
For example:
while read -r line
case "$line" in
*:) caller=$line; continue;;
*) echo "$caller $line";;
done < <(sed 's/.*</</' < caldata) | sed 's/[<>]//g;s/:/ -> /' | sort -u
failure -> usage
main -> failure
main -> print_ackermann
main -> print_fib_upto
main -> set_timeout
main -> strton
strton -> failure
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 77197
I think this might be easier with awk
, but I interpreted your pseudocode directly into bash.
while read; do # If not given an argument `read` puts the line into `REPLY`
case $REPLY in # Use a case expression for pattern matching.
*>:) caller="${REPLY##*<}"
caller="${caller%>:}" # Parameter expansions to strip off unwanted parts of the line.
*>) callee="${REPLY##*<}"
echo "$caller -> $callee"
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 786329
You can use awk:
awk -F'[<>:]+' 'NF==3{p=$(NF-1); next} {print p, "->", $(NF-1)}' file
failure -> usage
strton -> failure
main -> strton
main -> failure
main -> strton
main -> failure
main -> failure
main -> strton
main -> strton
main -> failure
main -> set_timeout
main -> failure
main -> print_fib_upto
main -> print_ackermann
Upvotes: 2