Reputation: 3750
I try to use the colordialog plugin of the ckeditor which is downloaded with the modx addon. To Enable it I edited the config.js file in /manager/assets/components/ckeditor/.
Here is the content
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.plugins = 'colordialog';
I also tried this, but with no luck
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.extraPlugins = 'colordialog';
Here is my config in the modx manager
Value of "ckeditor.toolbar" Setting:
{ "name": "basicstyles", "groups": [ "basicstyles", "cleanup" ], "items": [ "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "RemoveFormat" ] },
{ "name": "paragraph", "groups": [ "list", "indent", "blocks", "align" ], "items": [ "NumberedList", "BulletedList"] },
{ "name": "links", "items": [ "Link", "Unlink"] },
{ "name": "clipboard", "groups": [ "clipboard", "undo" ], "items": [ "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "PasteText", "PasteFromWord", "-", "Undo", "Redo" ] },
{ "name": "insert", "items": [ "Image", "SpecialChar", "Table" ] },
{ "name": "editing", "items": [ "Find", "Replace" ] },
{ "name": "tools", "items": [ "Maximize" ] },
{ "name": "styles", "items": ["Format"] },
{ "name": "colors", "items": ["colordialog"] }
And in the "ckeditor.extra_plugins" I have enabled the "colordialog".
Upvotes: 0
Views: 894
Reputation: 1
load the MODX.loadRTE
here "eventdetails" is the form field name.MODx.loadRTE('eventdetails-' + this.ident);
Imaevents.window.CreateImaevent = function(config) {
config = config || {};
this.ident = config.ident ||;
title: _('imaevents.imaevent_create')
,url: Imaevents.config.connectorUrl
,autoHeight: false
,autoScroll: true
,height: Ext.getBody().getViewSize().height*.85
,width: 665
,closeAction: 'hide'
,labelAlign: 'left'
,labelWidth: 200
,baseParams: {
action: 'mgr/imaevent/create'
,fields: [{
xtype: 'textarea'
,id: 'eventdetails-'+this.ident
,fieldLabel: _('imaevents.event_datail')
,name: 'event_datail'
,anchor: '100%'
this.on('activate',function() {
if (typeof Tiny != 'undefined') { MODx.loadRTE('eventdetails-' + this.ident); }
Upvotes: 0