Reputation: 1926
i have a searchfield on my page and this searchfield should search over more than one indice. I can search for one indice without a problem, like described in the documentation of spring-data-elasticsearch.
But if i search, as example for "Foo", i want to have the following list as result ordered by relevance:
{ title: "Foo" } -> Entity: Sample
{ name: "FooTest" } -> Entity: Test
{ title: "FooSample2" } -> Entity: Sample
// ...and so on
// The entities are not part of the same parent. So, they are complete different.
For this i couldn't find anything in documentation that would help me.
can anybody help?
final SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery())
.withIndices("game-index", "lets-play-index", "video-index", "genre-index", "platform-index", "user-index")
.withPageable(new PageRequest(0, 10))
// when
final Page<SearchResult> sampleEntities = elasticsearchTemplate.queryForPage(searchQuery, SearchResult.class, new SearchResultMapper() {
public <T> FacetedPage<T> mapResults(
final SearchResponse response,
final Class<T> clazz,
final Pageable pageable) {
.debug("TotalHits: " + response.getHits()
final long totalHits = response.getHits()
final List<T> results = new ArrayList<T>();
for (final SearchHit hit : response.getHits()) {
if (hit != null) {
final T result = null;
* if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(hit.sourceAsString()))
* { result = mapEntity(hit.sourceAsString(),
* clazz); } else { result =
* mapEntity(hit.getFields() .values(), clazz); }
// setPersistentEntityId(result, hit.getId(),
// clazz);
final List<FacetResult> facets = new ArrayList<FacetResult>();
if (response.getFacets() != null) {
for (final Facet facet : response.getFacets()) {
final FacetResult facetResult = DefaultFacetMapper.parse(facet);
if (facetResult != null) {
return new FacetedPageImpl<T>(results, pageable, totalHits, facets);
the response inside of SearchResultMapper is the follwing:
"took" : 5,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 30,
"successful" : 30,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 0,
"max_score" : null,
"hits" : [ ]
if i do a simple search with this:
final Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
final SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withQuery(getQueryBuilderForQuery(query))
final List<?> results = elasticsearchTemplate.queryForList(searchQuery, clazz);
it works and i get many results. that means my index is working.
i have definitly no idea what i can do. thanks a lot.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 7798
Reputation: 1008
Sorry this is already supported
try below code, it should be working...
however below code is for where you have same structure in Entity and elasticsearch document
public void shouldTestResultsAcrossMultipleIndices() {
// given
String documentId1 = randomNumeric(5);
SampleEntity sampleEntity1 = new SampleEntityBuilder(documentId1).message("some message")
IndexQuery indexQuery1 = new IndexQueryBuilder().withId(sampleEntity1.getId())
String documentId2 = randomNumeric(5);
SampleEntity sampleEntity2 = new SampleEntityBuilder(documentId2).message("some test message")
IndexQuery indexQuery2 = new IndexQueryBuilder().withId(sampleEntity2.getId())
elasticsearchTemplate.bulkIndex(Arrays.asList(indexQuery1, indexQuery2));
elasticsearchTemplate.refresh("test-index-1", true);
elasticsearchTemplate.refresh("test-index-2", true);
SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
.withIndices("test-index-1", "test-index-2")
// when
List<SampleEntity> sampleEntities = elasticsearchTemplate.queryForList(searchQuery, SampleEntity.class);
// then
assertThat(sampleEntities.size(), is(equalTo(2)));
if you have different structure in the index then you can use below method of elasticsearchTemplate
Page<T> queryForPage(SearchQuery query, Class<T> clazz, SearchResultMapper mapper);
still confused ? happy to help :-)
Upvotes: 5