
Reputation: 83

Smalltalk parse error

I am new to smalltalk and i am having trouble figuring out why I am getting this parse error. The error is:

/ parse error, expected ')'

I trying to loop through the set named grid, which is a collection of dictionaries and in each dictionary i want to compare the values of each row and col to see if they match the values that were passed to the method. Right now I can only get it to accept one parameter to the method, if anyone could show me how to pass more than one parameter that would be awesome as well. Also I am using gnu smalltalk and gst to test this. The command I am running is as follows : (FileStream open: '' mode: 'r') fileIn . !

Line 52 is:

    (tempAnimal at: type := 'lynx') ifTrue: temp := tempAnimal at: row 

Here is the rest of the code for reference.

Object subclass: #simulation .
simulation instanceVariableNames: ' ' .
simulation class instanceVariableNames: '' .
simulation comment: 'This is the class that runs the simulation' .

simulation class extend [
    initialize [

    new [

    setup [

    step [

    status [

    rand [
            num := Random new .
            num := (num nextValue) * 10 .
            num := num asInteger.
            ^ num .
simulation extend [


    Object subclass: #grid .
grid instanceVariableNames: ' ' .
grid class instanceVariableNames: ' grida ' .
grid comment: 'I represent the grid and animal locations' .

grid class extend [
    initialize [
        grida := Set new .
    new [ "Builds arrays of correct size"
        (grida = nil) ifTrue: self initialize . 
        ^ super new grida .
    getLynxesAtRow:col ["Returns number of lynxes in a grid cell"
        | tempAnimal temp count |
        count := 0 
        grid do: [ :each |
            tempAnimal := grid at: each .
            (tempAnimal at: type := 'lynx') ifTrue: temp := tempAnimal at: row 
            (temp := row) ifTrue: temp := tempAnimal at: col 
            (temp := col) ifTrue: count := count + 1 
        ^ count .
    getRabbitsAtRow:col ["Returns number of rabbits in a grid cell"
        | tempAnimal temp count |
        count := 0 
        grid do: [ :each |
            tempAnimal := grid at: each 
            (tempAnimal at: type := 'rabbit') ifTrue: temp := tempAnimal at: row 
            (temp := row) ifTrue: temp := tempAnimal at: col 
            (temp := col) ifTrue: count := count + 1 .
        ^ count .
    placerow: animal [
        | row col |     
        row := simulation rand .
        col := simulation rand .
        animal add: 'row' -> row .
        animal add: 'col' -> col .
        ^ animal .
    removerow: col [
        | tempAnimal temp tempid |
        grid do: [ :each |
            tempAnimal := grid at: each
            tempid := tempAnimal at: id
            temp := tempAnimal at: row 
            (temp := row) ifTrue: temp := tempAnimal at: col 
            (temp := col) ifTrue: grid remove: each .

    Object subclass: #animal .
animal instanceVariableNames: ' '.
animal class instanceVariableNames: ' id type animals '.
animal comment: 'I am the class for all animals' .

animal class extend [
    initialize [
        aniamls := Dictionary new .
    create: type [
        (animals := nil) ifTrue: self initialize
        (type := 'rabbit') ifTrue: animals := rabbit new .
        (type := 'lynx') ifTrue: animals := lynx new .
        ^ animals .
    getid ["returns the animals unique id"
        | tempAnimal temp |
        tempAnimal := grid asArray at: id .
        temp := 
    getrow: id ["returns the animals grid row"
        | tempAnimal temp |
        grid do: [:each | 
            tempAnimal := grid at: each .
            (tempAnimal at: id := id) ifTrue: (temp:= tempAnimal at: row. ^ temp ) . ]

    getcol: id ["returns the animals grid col"
        | tempAnimal temp |
        grid do: [:each | 
            tempAnimal := grid at: each .
            (tempAnimal at: id := id) ifTrue: (temp:= tempAnimal at: col. ^ temp ) . ]

    getdirection: id ["returns the animals movement direction"
        | tempAnimal temp |
        grid do: [:each | 
            tempAnimal := grid at: each .
            (tempAnimal at: id := id) ifTrue: (temp:= tempAnimal at: direction. ^ temp ) . ]
    setdirection ["sets animals movement direction"
        | direction |
        direction := simulation rand .
        ^ direction .

animal subclass: #lynx
lynx instanceVariableNames: ' direction '.
lynx class instanceVariableNames: ' lynxdictionary '. 
lynx comment: 'I am the subclass of animal that is lynxs' .

lynx class extend [
    new [
        lynxdictionary := Dictionary new .
        lynxdictionary add: 'type' -> 'lynx'
        direction := animal setdirection .
        lynxdictionary add: 'direction' -> direction
        lynxdictionary := grid placerow:lynxdictionary .
        ^ lynxdictionary .
    act [
        | row col tempAniaml |

animal subclass: #rabbit
rabbit instanceVariableNames: ' direction '.
rabbit class instanceVariableNames: ' rabbitdictionary '.
rabbit comment: 'I am the subclass of animal this is rabbits'.

rabbit class extend [
    new [
        rabbitdictionary := Dictionary new .
        rabbitdictionary add: 'type' -> 'rabbit'
        direction := animal setdirection
        rabbitdictionary add: 'direction' -> direction
        rabbitdictionary := grid place:rabbitdictionary .
        ^ rabbitdictionary . 
    act [


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Views: 1214

Answers (2)


Reputation: 5041

Apart from

  • checking the comparison operators and
  • the periods at the end of each statement,

as Chris Gerken mentions, you should

  • send blocks to ifTrue: and ifFalse:

    (1 < 2) ifTrue: [ "do something" ]

See: GNU Smalltalk Manual 6.6.1 Conditions and decision making

Upvotes: 1

Chris Gerken
Chris Gerken

Reputation: 16392

I think you want to use '=' or '==' as your comparison operator, not ':=' which is the assignment.

Wouldn't hurt to terminate all statements with a period, just to avoid confusion on the parser's part.

Upvotes: 1

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