I am trying to create an animation at runtime. However, I didn't find the method to do this.
Can Unity create it at runtime?
What I want to do in web player are following:
detect mouse click and get the click position. (flower appear there)
decide flower colour randomly
bloom the flower by using and animation which is configured using 3 sprites. (sprites simply change sequentially)
As far as I confirmed, there is no method to change colour of the animation (sprites), so, I'm searching method to change the colour of the 3 sprites and combine these into an animation and run it.
Although I could create an instance and change the colour, I couldn't find method of combining.
Is it possible what I am trying to design in the first place?
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a part of my importer
private AnimationClip CreateSpriteAnimationClip(string name, List<Sprite> sprites, int fps, bool raiseEvent = false)
int framecount = sprites.Count;
float frameLength = 1f / 30f;
AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
clip.frameRate = fps;
AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(clip).loopTime = true;
EditorCurveBinding curveBinding = new EditorCurveBinding();
curveBinding.type = typeof(SpriteRenderer);
curveBinding.propertyName = "m_Sprite";
ObjectReferenceKeyframe[] keyFrames = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe[framecount];
for (int i = 0; i < framecount; i++)
ObjectReferenceKeyframe kf = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe();
kf.time = i * frameLength;
kf.value = sprites[i];
keyFrames[i] = kf;
} = name;
AnimationUtility.SetAnimationType(clip, ModelImporterAnimationType.Generic);
//if (name != "Fall")
clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Once;
AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, curveBinding, keyFrames);
if (raiseEvent)
//AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents(clip, new[] { new AnimationEvent() { time = clip.length, functionName = "on" + name } });
return clip;
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 433
i usually use this method to animate gameobject from one pos to another, may be useful to you.
public void MoveGO (GameObject TempGO, Vector3 StartPos, Vector3 EndPos)
float clipLength = 1f;
AnimationCurve curve1 = null, curve2 = null, curve3 = null;
AnimationClip clip = null;
curve1 = AnimationCurve.Linear (0, StartPos.x, clipLength, EndPos.x);
curve2 = AnimationCurve.Linear (0, StartPos.y, clipLength, EndPos.y);
curve3 = AnimationCurve.Linear (0, StartPos.z, clipLength, EndPos.z);
clip = new AnimationClip ();
clip.SetCurve ("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", curve1);
clip.SetCurve ("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", curve2);
clip.SetCurve ("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", curve3);
if (TempGO.GetComponent ("Animation") == null) {
TempGO.AddComponent ("Animation");
if (TempGO.animation.IsPlaying ("AnimationDemo")) {
//TempGO.animation["AnimationDemo"].time = 0.5f ;
TempGO.animation.Sample ();
TempGO.animation.RemoveClip ("AnimationDemo");
TempGO.animation.AddClip (clip, "AnimationDemo");
TempGO.animation ["AnimationDemo"].speed = 1f;
TempGO.animation.Play ("AnimationDemo");
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1666
You could create that animation using the Unity's new animation tools. Since you know that there are three sprites you could make a prefab which has that animation. Then just load the correct sprites to the empty sprite objects.
Upvotes: 0