
Reputation: 2087

Could not launch process launch failed: timed out waiting for app to launch

I am trying to launch my app on device. It is launching successfully on the simulator.

I have tried:

What can I do to make it work?

Could it be something with Code Signing?

Currently i have it set to 'Dont Code Sign'

Upvotes: 174

Views: 76431

Answers (24)


Reputation: 1

I tried:

  1. Restart the device (iPhone)
  2. Clean build the XCode project

Then it works.

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 732

Checked my Targets and code signing details, didn't help. I did three things:

  1. Clean Build Folder
  2. Close Xcode and delete everything in Derived Data
  3. Rebooted my device

Everything worked fine after that. I had changed some App Transport Security setting in my info.plist right before this occurred. Not sure if it is related or if only one of my 3 steps were necessary, but it worked.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 885

Just restart my Device and works everything fine

Upvotes: 0

Hristo Atanasov
Hristo Atanasov

Reputation: 1266

As all of the above answers didn't helped for me I'll publish my solution:

Deleting all the occurrences of xcuserdata folders in .xcodeproj and .xcworkspace and restarting Xcode fixed the problem. To delete it right click your_app_name.xcodeproj and/or your_app_name.xcworkspace in your app folder and select "Show Package Contents". I hope that help someone to save some time.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 26

If your goal is to just launch the app and debug it, you can also edit the schema to "Wait for executable to be launched" and run the app manually. The setting is under Edit schema > Run > Info > Launch. Choose "Wait for executable to be launched" instead of "Automatically". It will wait for you to run the app (by manually tapping it) instead of timing out.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 4511

Below are 2 awesome hacks that have not been mentioned yet:

HACK #1:

Lock your phone, press XCode start, wait till XCode says "unlock your device to launch", then unlock your phone, it will be launched successfully, works every time.

HACK #2:

If your goal is just to debug the app, here is another simple and straight-forward approach:

  1. After the app is deployed, launch it manually.
  2. Goto XCode -> Debug -> Attach to Process ... to choose your app from the list, then debug properly.

This works well for me, and it saves lots of time. I hope this helps, thanks!

Upvotes: 6

Chaudhry Talha
Chaudhry Talha

Reputation: 7928

option + command + shift + k and then run the project did the trick for me.

Upvotes: 0

Mumthezir VP
Mumthezir VP

Reputation: 6551

Below two steps solved for me:

For xcode version: 7.2

  • 1.Select any of your simulator to run ( just start your run, no need to load the app completely).
  • 2.Stop it.
  • 3.Then select your device and run.

This solved in my case.

Upvotes: 0

Rushi Deshpande
Rushi Deshpande

Reputation: 31

Selection in provisioning profiles may cause this problem. So while launching an app on to the device, make sure you are using the development profile & not the distribution profile. I have been facing the same issue. But got away with it using the same process.

Check for Project > Build Settings > Provisioning profile & select your development profile.

And also take care of Code Signing Identity in the same tab. Make sure you choose both the identities of Developer & NOT of Distribution.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 3597

Check Product Name for dots "." "." are not allowed in Product name.

Upvotes: 0

Jack BeNimble
Jack BeNimble

Reputation: 36723

After following the above, it still didn't work (from xCode 6). But after rebooting the phone and deleting the app, it worked.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 12217

I had this problem when I used a Distribution certificate instead of Developer one when running the app from Xcode. You may check it out your target --> Build Settings --> Code signing.

As @AndyDynn pointed out in his comment: Make sure you do this on the "Target" build settings and not just the "Project" build settings.

Upvotes: 401


Reputation: 979

Check whether the device memory is full.

Upvotes: -3


Reputation: 3575

I just had this issue. I had to open the app on device and tap Trust Computer. No need for me to reboot everything 20 times, yay.

Upvotes: 7


Reputation: 11

I had the same problem and I tried all the suggested steps but I managed to get it deployed and run only after I powered off my iphone.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2330

Just to throw out an additional suggestion to anyone coming across this problem (it's been burning me frequently lately) -- try going to the Targets -> (Your Target) -> General -> Team and re-selecting the same Team, which forces Xcode to update profiles for you.

That has been the culprit for me a couple of times. Seems to happen specifically if you've recently re-downloaded a distribution certificate for new devices or w/e. Or if you've just dumped your Provisioning Profiles directory in general.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 165

I cleaned out my provisional profiles, rebooted the iPhone, rebooted the computer, and it worked for me.

Upvotes: 1

asaf am
asaf am

Reputation: 1395

Make sure the Provisioning Profile setting in your environment is set to your development profile: Project > Build Settings > Code Signing

Consider setting it in your Target settings and the Pod project (in case using Cocoa Pods).

In case the development profile is not present create or download it: Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Provisioning Profiles

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1174

One more thing to try if you've tried the above: i found this link about quitting itunes to avoid the timeout. This works for me with xcode 5.1

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 2541

I literally restarted my iPad, that was connected for testing the app, and that resolved the issue.

Upvotes: 30


Reputation: 81

If your provisioning profile and code sign everything is alright then try once Quit and Restart your XCode. It will work for me.

Upvotes: 8

Naloiko Eugene
Naloiko Eugene

Reputation: 2636

In my case there was no value at Targets -> Build Settins ->Provisioning Profile. Though Code Signing looked ok)

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 16338

I got the same problem and after looking at the answers here I found mine. The issue at hand was: my dev distribution certificate was gone from iOS Dev Center, so I just assume it had timed out. I didn't get a nice warning though, just the above error - installing worked but debugging didn't. So I had Xcode regenerate a new one for me.

Upvotes: 4

Gajendra Rawat
Gajendra Rawat

Reputation: 3663

To run your app on a device, you will perform these tasks that follow:

  1. Request a development certificate.

  2. Add your device to the portal.

  3. Code sign your app.

  4. Launch your app on the device.

For more detail check this

Upvotes: 12

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