Reputation: 1967
I have raw-headerless wav audio data as MemoryStream
Stream rawAudioStream = Producer.GetRawAudioFileStream(...);
I know those streams data format:
// WaveFormat(int rate, int bits, int channels);
WaveFormat waveformat = new WaveFormat(8000, 16, 1);
What I want is to add programmatically right header info for those memory streams without writing them to a physical file.
How can I do that?
PS: I checked the NAudio Library but only found a way to create a header by writing streams to really-physical files which is not suitable for my situation.
var waveformat = new WaveFormat(8000,16,1);
var reader = new RawSourceWaveStream(rawAudioMemStream, waveformat);
using (var convertedStream = WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(reader))
WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile(fileName, convertedStream);
Upvotes: 7
Views: 12164
Reputation: 1118
It's easy to create custom class to marshal raw data:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public class WavePcmFormat
/* ChunkID Contains the letters "RIFF" in ASCII form */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
private char[] chunkID = new char[] { 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' };
/* ChunkSize 36 + SubChunk2Size */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4, SizeConst = 4)]
private uint chunkSize = 0;
/* Format The "WAVE" format name */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
private char[] format = new char[] { 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E' };
/* Subchunk1ID Contains the letters "fmt " */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
private char[] subchunk1ID = new char[] { 'f', 'm', 't', ' ' };
/* Subchunk1Size 16 for PCM */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4, SizeConst = 4)]
private uint subchunk1Size = 16;
/* AudioFormat PCM = 1 (i.e. Linear quantization) */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U2, SizeConst = 2)]
private ushort audioFormat = 1;
/* NumChannels Mono = 1, Stereo = 2, etc. */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U2, SizeConst = 2)]
private ushort numChannels = 1;
public ushort NumChannels { get => numChannels; set => numChannels = value; }
/* SampleRate 8000, 44100, etc. */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4, SizeConst = 4)]
private uint sampleRate = 44100;
public uint SampleRate { get => sampleRate; set => sampleRate = value; }
/* ByteRate == SampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8 */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4, SizeConst = 4)]
private uint byteRate = 0;
/* BlockAlign == NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8 */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U2, SizeConst = 2)]
private ushort blockAlign = 0;
/* BitsPerSample 8 bits = 8, 16 bits = 16, etc. */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U2, SizeConst = 2)]
private ushort bitsPerSample = 16;
public ushort BitsPerSample { get => bitsPerSample; set => bitsPerSample = value; }
/* Subchunk2ID Contains the letters "data" */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
private char[] subchunk2ID = new char[] { 'd', 'a', 't', 'a' };
/* Subchunk2Size == NumSamples * NumChannels * BitsPerSample/8 */
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4, SizeConst = 4)]
private uint subchunk2Size = 0;
/* Data The actual sound data. */
public byte[] Data { get; set; } = new byte[0];
public WavePcmFormat(byte[] data, ushort numChannels = 2, uint sampleRate = 44100, ushort bitsPerSample = 16)
Data = data;
NumChannels = numChannels;
SampleRate = sampleRate;
BitsPerSample = bitsPerSample;
private void CalculateSizes()
subchunk2Size = (uint)Data.Length;
blockAlign = (ushort)(NumChannels * BitsPerSample / 8);
byteRate = SampleRate * NumChannels * BitsPerSample / 8;
chunkSize = 36 + subchunk2Size;
public byte[] ToBytesArray()
int headerSize = Marshal.SizeOf(this);
IntPtr headerPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(headerSize);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(this, headerPtr, false);
byte[] rawData = new byte[headerSize + Data.Length];
Marshal.Copy(headerPtr, rawData, 0, headerSize);
Array.Copy(Data, 0, rawData, 44, Data.Length);
return rawData;
var wav = new WavePcmFormat(rawDataWithoutHeader, numChannels: 1, sampleRate: SampleRateHertz, bitsPerSample: 16);
var rawDataWithHeader = wav.ToBytesArray();
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 7398
The below code will write a Wav header to the beginning of a MemoryStream
. Which means you'll need to write the header to your stream first, and then you can write your samples. Otherwise the samples at the start of your stream will get overwritten with meta data,
// totalSampleCount needs to be the combined count of samples of all channels. So if the left and right channels contain 1000 samples each, then totalSampleCount should be 2000.
// isFloatingPoint should only be true if the audio data is in 32-bit floating-point format.
private void WriteWavHeader(MemoryStream stream, bool isFloatingPoint, ushort channelCount, ushort bitDepth, int sampleRate, int totalSampleCount)
stream.Position = 0;
// RIFF header.
// Chunk ID.
stream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("RIFF"), 0, 4);
// Chunk size.
stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(((bitDepth / 8) * totalSampleCount) + 36), 0, 4);
// Format.
stream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("WAVE"), 0, 4);
// Sub-chunk 1.
// Sub-chunk 1 ID.
stream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("fmt "), 0, 4);
// Sub-chunk 1 size.
stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(16), 0, 4);
// Audio format (floating point (3) or PCM (1)). Any other format indicates compression.
stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(isFloatingPoint ? 3 : 1)), 0, 2);
// Channels.
stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(channelCount), 0, 2);
// Sample rate.
stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(sampleRate), 0, 4);
// Bytes rate.
stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(sampleRate * channelCount * (bitDepth / 8)), 0, 4);
// Block align.
stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)channelCount * (bitDepth / 8)), 0, 2);
// Bits per sample.
stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(bitDepth), 0, 2);
// Sub-chunk 2.
// Sub-chunk 2 ID.
stream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data"), 0, 4);
// Sub-chunk 2 size.
stream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((bitDepth / 8) * totalSampleCount), 0, 4);
Upvotes: 18