Reputation: 343
I understand how to use monads but I don't really grasp how to create one. So I am in the journey to recreate a State monad.
So far I have created a new type Toto (foo in french) and made it an instance of Monad. Now I am trying to add a "reader feature" to it. I created a class TotoReader which declare a "get" function. But when I try to instantiate it, everything fall apart. GHC is telling me that it could not deduce (m ~ r) (full compilation error at the bottom).
But when I create a top level function get, everything is working correctly.
So how can I can define a get function in a class and is it really the right way of doing it ? What is that I don't understand ?
My code so far below
{-# OPTIONS -XMultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# OPTIONS -XFlexibleInstances #-}
newtype Toto s val = Toto { runToto :: s -> (val, s) }
toto :: (a -> (b,a)) -> Toto a b
toto = Toto
class (Monad m) => TotoReader m r where
get :: m r
instance Monad (Toto a) where
return a = toto $ \x -> (a,x)
p >>= v = toto $ \x ->
let (val,c) = runToto p x
in runToto (v val) c
instance TotoReader (Toto m) r where
get = toto $ \x -> (x, x) -- Error here
-- This is working
-- get :: Toto a b
-- get = toto $ \s -> (s,s)
pp :: Toto String String
pp = do
val <- get
return $ "Bonjour de " ++ val
main :: IO ()
main = print $ runToto pp "France"
Compilation error
Could not deduce (m ~ r)
from the context (Monad (Toto m))
bound by the instance declaration at test.hs:18:10-30
`m' is a rigid type variable bound by
the instance declaration at test.hs:18:10
`r' is a rigid type variable bound by
the instance declaration at test.hs:18:10
Expected type: Toto m r
Actual type: Toto m m
In the expression: toto $ \ x -> (x, x)
In an equation for `get': get = toto $ \ x -> (x, x)
In the instance declaration for `TotoReader (Toto m) r'
Upvotes: 2
Views: 383
Reputation: 27766
Let's use ghci to inspect the kinds:
*Main> :k Toto
Toto :: * -> * -> *
takes two type parameters: the environment type and the return type. If r
is the environment, Toto r
will be the monad type constructor.
*Main> :k TotoReader
TotoReader :: (* -> *) -> * -> Constraint
takes two type parameters: the monad type constructor and the environment type, which in our case are Toto r
and r
So, the instance declaration should be something like:
instance TotoReader (Toto r) r where
get = toto $ \x -> (x, x)
Upvotes: 4