Reputation: 11542
I have a build.scala file that has a section that looks something like the clip below. I use sbt-assembly to build a jar file of all dependent libs for deployment.
This builds fine. My problem is that I run 'assembly' and that builds ~16MB core-deps file, then I run 'package' trying to build the core.jar file. It builds core.jar--but then it overwrites my core-deps.jar file with an empty file (because core-deps has no code of its own).
How can I build both core.jar and core-deps.jar and not have 'package' blow away core-deps.jar?
lazy val deps = Project("core-deps", file("."),
settings = basicSettings ++
sbtassembly.Plugin.assemblySettings ++
Seq(assemblyOption in assembly ~= { _.copy(includeScala = false) }) ++
addArtifact(Artifact("core-deps", "core-deps"), sbtassembly.Plugin.AssemblyKeys.assembly) ++
libraryDependencies ++=
// Master list of all used libraries so it gets added to the deps.jar file when you run assembly
compile(commons_exec, commons_codec, commons_lang, casbah, googleCLHM, joda_time, scalajack, spray_routing, spray_can, spray_client, spray_caching, akka_actor, akka_cluster, akka_slf4j, prettytime, mongo_java, casbah_gridfs, typesafe_config, logback),
jarName in assembly <<= (scalaVersion, version) map { (scalaVersion, version) => "core-deps_" + scalaVersion.dropRight(2) + "-" + version + ".jar" }
)) aggregate(core)
lazy val core = project
.settings(basicSettings: _*)
.settings(buildSettings: _*)
.settings(libraryDependencies ++=
compile(commons_exec, prettytime, commons_codec, casbah, googleCLHM, scalajack, casbah_gridfs, typesafe_config, spray_routing, spray_client, spray_can, spray_caching, akka_actor, akka_slf4j, akka_cluster, logback) ++
test(scalatest, parboiled, spray_client)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2013
Reputation: 95684
Why not use assemblyPackageDependency
task that comes with sbt-assembly? See Excluding Scala library, your project, or deps JARs.
If for some reason you really want to disable package
task in core-deps project, you could try rewiring the packageBin
packageBin := (outputPath in assembly).value
That will do nothing but return the file name.
Upvotes: 2