Reputation: 239
I'm trying to spawn objects above screen height to fall down. The code I've written so far works, but when i lets the scene run out, go back and start the level again the scene have 2 issues: 1. The spawn function "spawnObjects" seems to fire twice every 0.5 sec but only sometimes, but always at the second run. More than often console looks it's firing 3 (liike they're stacking) 2. At the second run the function that should run when timer goes to 0 or less isn't.
This is my code, it might be chunky and have values and what not in odd places. This is because I've been struggling with the timers and now this(still kinda timers) for some days now and I've tried so many different things. Hope anybody can see what I'm doing wrong, if you have a better solution for a countDown timer and/or way of spawning the objects then I'll try wwhatever.
local composer = require( "composer" )
local scene = composer.newScene()
local myData = require( "myData" )
local physics = require("physics")
physics.setDrawMode( "hybrid" )
-- forward references
local w = display.actualContentWidth
local h = display.actualContentHeight
local dropCount = 0
local spawnShit = 0
local spawnTime = 17
local countdownTimer
local score = 0
local countNumber = 10
local countDownNumber = 10
local scoreT = display.newText( {text="Score: "..score, font=system.nativeSystemFont, fontSize=14,} )
scoreT.x = w * 0.5
scoreT.y = h * 0.1
local countDownText = display.newText( {text="", font=system.nativeSystemFont, fontSize=14} )
countDownText.x = w * 0.5
countDownText.y = h * 0.2
local drop01 = display.newImage("drop01.png")
drop01.x = -100
local drop02 = display.newImage("drop02.png")
drop02.x = -100
local drop03 = display.newImage("drop03.png")
drop03.x = -100
local drop04 = display.newImage("drop04.png")
drop04.x = -100
local timerSpawn
-- Display objects
local background = display.newImage( "bluebg.png" )
background.x = w*0.5
background.y = h*0.5
background.width = w
background.height = h
local bckBtn = display.newText({text="<--BACK", font=system.nativeSystemFont, fontSize=14})
bckBtn.x = 50
bckBtn.y = 20
local egon = display.newImage( "Egon.png" )
egon.x = w*0.5
egon.y = h*0.85
egon.width = 100
egon.height = 97
function goBack (event)
if "began" == event.phase then
elseif event.phase == "ended" then
composer.gotoScene("select", "fade", 500)
return true
function moveEgon (event)
egon.x = event.x
function spawnObjects (event)
dropCount = math.random(1,4)
if stopTimer == 1 then
timerSpawn = nil
spawnShit = nil
if spawnShit == 1 then
print( 'spawnShit' )
if dropCount == 1 then
-- Drop01 function and settings
drop01 = display.newImage( "drop01.png" )
drop01.x = math.random(10, 470)
drop01.y = 40
drop01.width = 50
drop01.height = 50
drop01.myName = "01"
physics.addBody( drop01, "dynamic", {density=0.1, friction=0.1, bounce=0.8 } )
elseif dropCount == 2 then
--Do shit for drop02
drop02 = display.newImage( "drop02.png" )
drop02.x = math.random(10, 470)
drop02.y = 40
drop02.width = 50
drop02.height = 50
drop02.myName = "02"
physics.addBody( drop02, "dynamic", {density=0.1, friction=0.1, bounce=0.8 } )
elseif dropCount == 3 then
drop03 = display.newImage( "drop03.png" )
drop03.x = math.random(10, 470)
drop03.y = 40
drop03.width = 50
drop03.height = 50
drop03.myName = "03"
physics.addBody( drop03, "dynamic", {density=0.9, friction=0.1, bounce=0.8 } )
elseif dropCount == 4 then
drop04 = display.newImage( "drop04.png" )
drop04.x = math.random(10, 470)
drop04.y = 40
drop04.width = 50
drop04.height = 50
drop04.myName = "04"
physics.addBody( drop04, "dynamic", {density=0.9, friction=0.1, bounce=0.8 } )
return true
function onCollision (event)
if "began" == event.phase then
--v--do shit when touching surface
if event.other.myName == "01" then
-- Do shit for drop01 --
-- Change score, powersups etc
event.other:removeSelf( )
if event.other.myName == "02" then
-- Do shit for drop02 --
-- Change score, powersups etc
event.other:removeSelf( )
if event.other.myName == "03" then
-- Do shit for drop03 --
-- Change score, powersups etc
event.other:removeSelf( )
if event.other.myName == "04" then
-- Do shit for drop04 --
-- Change score, powersups etc
event.other:removeSelf( )
elseif "ended" == event.phase then
-- Do shit when leaving surfaces
return true
function showCountDown (event)
-- Condition to show and hide countdown
if countDownNumber <= 0 then
countDownTimer = nil
spawnShit = 0
countDownNumber = countDownNumber -1
countDownText.text = countDownNumber
spawnShit = 1
return true
--function scene:create( event )
function scene:create( event )
local sceneGroup = self.view
-- Initialize the scene here.
-- Example: add display objects to "sceneGroup", add touch listeners, etc
background:addEventListener( "touch", moveEgon )
bckBtn:addEventListener( "touch", goBack )
egon:addEventListener( "collision", onCollision )
--SceneGroup insert
sceneGroup:insert( background )
-- "scene:show()"
function scene:show( event )
local sceneGroup = self.view
local phase = event.phase
if ( phase == "will" ) then
-- Called when the scene is still off screen (but is about to come on screen).
elseif ( phase == "did" ) then
-- Called when the scene is now on screen.
-- Insert code here to make the scene come alive.
-- Example: start timers, begin animation, play audio, etc.
physics.start( )
timercount = 10
-- ADD physic bodies ----
physics.addBody( egon, "static", {density=0.1, friction=0.1, bounce=0.8 } )
countDownNumber = 10
countdownTimer = timer.performWithDelay( 1000, showCountDown, countNumber )
----------- Timers ------------
timerSpawn = timer.performWithDelay(500, spawnObjects, 0 )
-- "scene:hide()"
function scene:hide( event )
local sceneGroup = self.view
local phase = event.phase
if ( phase == "will" ) then
-- Called when the scene is on screen (but is about to go off screen).
-- Insert code here to "pause" the scene.
-- Example: stop timers, stop animation, stop audio,
--timer.pause( timerSpawn )
spawnShit = 0
timerSpawn = nil
countdownTimer = nil
physics.removeBody( egon )
elseif ( phase == "did" ) then
-- Called immediately after scene goes off screen.
-- "scene:destroy()"
function scene:destroy( event )
local sceneGroup = self.view
-- Called prior to the removal of scene's view ("sceneGroup").
-- Insert code here to clean up the scene.
-- Example: remove display objects, save state, etc.
bckBtn:removeEventListener("touch", goBack )
egon:removeEventListener("touch", moveEgon )
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Listener setup
scene:addEventListener( "create", scene )
scene:addEventListener( "show", scene )
scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene )
scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene )
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return scene
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1482
Reputation: 29483
When your scene:show()
, you execute
timerSpawn = timer.performWithDelay(500, spawnObjects, 0 )
which will cause spawObjects
to be called every 0.5 seconds indefinitely (ie until application exits, or timer is cancelled or paused). This is ok except that when you come back to that scene, that line gets executed again, which will cause a new timer to be created, and timeSpawn
now references the new timer. So now you'll have two timers firing at every 0.5 seconds approx. When you leave scene and come back again, you will have 3, etc. The fact that timerSpawn
gets set to reference a new timer does not stop the old timer. You probably should pause timerSpawn
when the scene gets hidden; then in the show()
, you should only create the timer if it doesn't already exist:
function scene:show( event )
----------- Timers ------------
countDownNumber = 10
if countdownTimer == nil then
countdownTimer = timer.performWithDelay( 1000, showCountDown, countNumber )
if timerSpawn == nil then
timerSpawn = timer.performWithDelay(500, spawnObjects, 0 )
function scene:hide( event )
if ( phase == "will" ) then
timer.pause( timerSpawn )
timer.pause( countdownTimer )
-- NO:
-- timerSpawn = nil
-- countdownTimer = nil
Upvotes: 1