Reputation: 87
I'm evolving my Surveillance script, so i can choose a Service/Maintenance Window. Where all errors are ignored between two time intervals.
This is what i got:
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public struct ServiceWindow
public int SWStart;
public int SWEnd;
[array]$SWArray = New-Object ServiceWindow
$time = Get-Date -Format HHMM
$ActiveBatchVar = "1000-1005;1306-1345;2300-2305"
$ActiveBatchVar = $ActiveBatchVar.Split(";")
For ($i = 0; $i -lt $ActiveBatchVar.Length; $i++)
$tempSW = New-Object ServiceWindow
$tempSW.SWStart = $ActiveBatchVar[$i].Split("-")[0]
$tempSW.SWEnd = $ActiveBatchVar[$i].Split("-")[1]
If ($i -eq 0) { $SWArray = $tempSW } else { $SWArray += $tempSW }
Write-Host Complete array...
ForEach-Object ($SWArray) {
Get-Date -Format HHMM
If ($time -ge $_.SWStart -and $time -lt $_.SWEnd) {Write-Host Wohoo we have hit a service window service window...}
I get an error in my last ForEach-Object loop. and can't figure out what is wrong.
The point is that I would like to check if the current time is between two given times, like "1000-1005".
Anyone got a clue what’s missing, or maybe a way to simplify the whole thing ;)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1740
Reputation: 1
if you have a small array...
Get-Date -Format HHMM
If ($time -ge $_.SWStart -and $time -lt $_.SWEnd)
{Write-Host Wohoo we have hit a service window service window...}
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 36277
Ok, a few things here... You really seem to like the Split() method. You may want to look into some alternatives, like this:
$ActiveBatchVar = @(@("1000","1005"),@("1306","1345"),@("2300","2305"))
See what we did there? It's an array of arrays. @() is the array notation. So I have an array, with 3 arrays in it.
I'm not real familliar with structs, but I am familliar with custom objects, so I would use that if it were me. Then you could do something like:
$SWArray = @() #That's an empty array, we'll add things to it now that it exists
ForEach ($Batch in $ActiveBatchVar){
$SWArray += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
SWStart = $Batch[0]
SWEnd = $Batch[1]
So then we change the last bit so that you are assigning $time just before your next loop to keep it as accurate as possible, and correct the ForEach just a little and the whole thing would look like this:
$ActiveBatchVar = @(@("1000","1005"),@("1306","1345"),@("2300","2305"))
$SWArray = @()
ForEach ($Batch in $ActiveBatchVar){
$SWArray += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
SWStart = $Batch[0]
SWEnd = $Batch[1]
Write-Host Complete array...
$time = date -f HHmm
ForEach($SW in $SWArray) {
If ($time -ge $SW.SWStart -and $time -lt $SW.SWEnd) {
Write-Host "Wohoo we have hit a service window service window..."
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5560
ForEach-Object ($SWArray) {}
This is the wrong syntax, you should use the keyword in
Foreach-Object ($array in $SWArray) {}
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10097
Minimum changes:
ForEach-Object ($SWArray) {
$SWArray | % {
Also your last Write-Host
should enclose the message in quoes ie
{Write-Host "Wohoo..."}
Upvotes: 0