Reputation: 23
Code given:
data Tree a b = Leaf a | Branch b [Tree a b] deriving (Eq,Read,Show)
--with these trees defines
t1 = Branch "+" [Leaf 10, Leaf 20, Branch "*" [Leaf 2, Leaf 3, Leaf 4], Leaf 50]
t2 = Branch "*" [t1,t1,t1] //should multiply t1 3 times
How can I find the value of t1? As in, 10 + 20 + (2 * 3 * 4) + 50 = 104
I've started a solve function:
solve (Leaf a) = a
solve (Branch _ ts) = //not sure how to make it solve itself recursively here.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 294
Reputation: 5406
A generic solution looks like so:
solve (Leaf a) = a
solve (Branch f (t:ts)) = foldl' (\x -> f x . solve) (solve t) ts
Now you only need to map Tree Int String
to Tree Int (Int->Int->Int)
mapop (Branch "*" ts) = Branch (*) $ map mapop ts
mapop (Branch "+" ts) = Branch (+) $ map mapop ts
mapop (Leaf x) = Leaf x
> print $ solve $ mapop t1
But really mapop
asks to derive Functor for Tree:
data Tree a b = Leaf a | Branch b [Tree a b] deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Functor)
mapop :: (Num a) => Tree a String -> Tree a (a->a->a)
mapop = fmap f where
f "+" = (+)
f "*" = (*)
Note that I am not assuming a Monoid
here, because you didn't mention in your question what to do with empty lists in Branch
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Reputation: 74334
Just call solve
recursively. And you may as well create your own type for your operators instead of using strings.
data Op = Plus | Mult
solve :: Tree Int Op -> Int
solve (Leaf a) = a
solve (Branch Plus args) = sum (map solve args)
solve (Branch Mult args) = product (map solve args)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 15121
You could try this:
data Tree a b = Leaf a
| Branch b [Tree a b]
deriving (Eq,Read,Show)
t1 = Branch '+' [Leaf 10, Leaf 20, Branch '*' [Leaf 2, Leaf 3, Leaf 4], Leaf 50]
t2 = Branch '*' [t1,t1,t1]
solve (Leaf a) = a
solve (Branch op ts) = op' $ map solve ts
where op' = case op of
'+' -> sum
'*' -> product
-- testing
main = do
print $ solve t1
print $ solve t2
$ runghc t.hs
Upvotes: 1