I am creating an Ember.js application with RESTful API and I ran into this error:
Error while loading route: TypeError: Cannot set property 'store' of undefined
I can't figure out what is causing this.
window.App = Ember.Application.create();
App.VideosAdapter = DS.MyRESTAdapter; () {
this.resource('videos', {
path: '/'
App.Video = DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('number'),
videoId: DS.attr('string'),
date: DS.attr('string')
App.VideosAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
namespace: 'data'
App.VideosRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
Debug info:
DEBUG: -------------------------------
DEBUG: ember.js:3880
DEBUG: Ember : 1.7.0-beta.1+canary.2eae2280 ember.js:3880
DEBUG: Ember Data : 1.0.0-beta.7+canary.20adb1d5 ember.js:3880
DEBUG: Handlebars : 1.3.0 ember.js:3880
DEBUG: jQuery : 1.10.2 ember.js:3880
DEBUG: -------------------------------
I tried to change my route like this:
App.VideosRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.Video.find();
But got an error:
Error while loading route: TypeError: Object function () { .. } has no method 'find'
This is my JSON data (http://localhost/data/videos/1
) (it loads fine into Ember Inspector):
"video": {
"id": 1,
"title": "Video title!",
"videoId": "AAZ23",
"date": "12/122013"
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1716
Reputation: 6947
You have to tell the store what kind of object you want-- try this:
App.VideosRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
Upvotes: 1