Reputation: 10939
I use Unite.vim frequently to scroll through lists of files in Vim. Sometimes I use Unite's auto-preview
feature to have each file open in the preview window as I scroll over it. If I scroll through a large number of files, this leaves me with a bunch of open buffers that I do not need. How can I make the buffer currently occupying the preview window close when a new buffer is opened into the preview window?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 392
Reputation: 10939
I was able to solve this problem by looking through the Unite source, copying the preview function, and making the modification I needed directly on this function to do a vertical open of the preview window:
function! s:preview.func(candidate)
let buflisted = buflisted(
\ unite#util#escape_file_searching(
\ a:candidate.action__path))
if filereadable(a:candidate.action__path)
" If execute this command, unite.vim will be affected by events.
noautocmd silent execute 'vert pedit!' " added vert
\ fnameescape(a:candidate.action__path)
call SetWidthToHalfScreen() " added to resize preview window
let prev_winnr = winnr('#')
let winnr = winnr()
wincmd P
doautoall BufRead
setlocal nomodified
execute prev_winnr.'wincmd w'
execute winnr.'wincmd w'
if !buflisted
call unite#add_previewed_buffer_list(
\ bufnr(unite#util#escape_file_searching(
\ a:candidate.action__path)))
call unite#custom#action("openable", "preview", s:preview)
call unite#custom#action("file", "preview", s:preview)
function! SetWidthToHalfScreen()
let diff = 100 - winwidth(winnr())
exec "vert resize " . (diff > 0 ? '+' : '-') . abs(diff)
Upvotes: 1