Reputation: 155
I have the following in the view:
<%= collection_select(:menu, :postnumer, @menus, :postnumer_id, :postnumer,
options = {:prompt => "Veldu póstnúmer", :include_blank => "Ekkert valið"},
html_options = {:class =>"menus", :multiple => true, :style => 'width:15%'}) %>
The selection menu displays correctly with the list of items from the model. But I have not been able to figure out how to collect the selected item. Can anyone help?
class MenusController < ApplicationController
def create
@menus = Menu.all
def result
@results = params[menu][postnumer_id]
<%= collection_select(:menu, :postnumer, @menus, :postnumer_id, :postnumer, options = {:prompt => "Veldu póstnúmer", :include_blank => "Ekkert valið"}, html_options = {:class =>"menus", :multiple => true, :style => 'width:15%'}) %></br>
<%= button_to "Hefja leit", {:controller => :menus, :action => :result}, {:method => :post} %>
Another day and I read the suggestion from Mischa where he pointed me to an excellent article on symbols. That got me thinking on the use of symbols. I have two models Menu and Rent, schema.rb below:
`ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20140403200844) do
create_table "menus", force: true do |t|
t.string "postnumer"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
t.string "postnumer_id"
create_table "rents", force: true do |t|
t.string "fastanumer"
t.string "postnumer"
t.string "gotuheiti"
t.float "flatarmal"
t.float "fermetraverd"
t.float "upr_fermetraverd"
t.float "verd"
t.datetime "dagsetning"
t.string "sveitarfelagsnumer"
t.integer "byggingarar"
t.integer "fjoldiherbergja"
t.string "matssvaedi"
t.string "ist120"
t.float "visitala_start"
t.float "visitala_end"
t.string "undirmatssvaedi"
t.float "fasteignamat"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
I am using same symbols in both Menu and Rent. Can that cause problems?
I have changed the code based on the suggestions to this post and spent some days now on reading and focusing on the routes file. I am still not getting this to work. When I submit the form the result method is not being run and the value from the collection_select helper is not being picked up. I am wondering if anyone could help with some further suggestions? The code is as follows:
class MenusController < ApplicationController
def create
@menus = Menu.all
def result
@results = params[:menu][:postnumer_id]
<%= form_tag menus_path do %>
<%= label_tag 'Póstnúmer:' %>
<%= collection_select(:menu, :postnumer, @menus, :postnumer_id, :postnumer, options = {:prompt => "Veldu póstnúmer:"}, html_options = {:class => "menus", :multiple => true, :style => 'width:15%'}) %>
<%= submit_tag "Hefja leit", :action => "result", :controller => "menus"%>
<% end %>
Pricetorent::Application.routes.draw do
resources :menus, :only => [:result]
get "menus/create"
post "menus/result"
resources :menus do
put :result, :on => :collection
Upvotes: 1
Views: 224