Reputation: 5873
I have a function similiar to the following, returning large chunk of xml (in production environment), In various stages of the application , we need to retrieve only some of the elements or only some attributes from this.
create function testrig.fxConfigurations(@context varchar(300)) returns xml as
return (select
'<configurations realm="configuration">
<context name="apera">
<backend name="Hades">
<os>HP Unix</os>
<db vender="Oracle" version="11g">
<netconnect>Data Source= (DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hades)(PORT = 1521)(RECV_BUF_SIZE=1048576))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = baan)));Password=********;User ID=ItsMe;" providerName="Oracle.DataAccess.Client"
<backend name="Athena">
<os>HP Unix</os>
<db vender="Oracle" version="11g">
<netconnect>Data Source= (DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hades)(PORT = 1521)(RECV_BUF_SIZE=1048576))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = baan)));Password=********;User ID=ItsMe;" providerName="Oracle.DataAccess.Client"
How do I retrieve only the attribute name i.e 'Hades','Athena' using xQuery like this
select (testrig.fxConfigurations(null).query('configurations/context[@name="apera"]/backends').query('/descendant-or-self::*'))
Upvotes: 2
Views: 155
Reputation: 107387
If you want to concatenate all values of the backend/@name
attributes (ala GROUP_CONCAT
select testrig.fxConfigurations(null)
If you need to work with the attributes individually, you may need to use nodes
to extract them:
WITH cteXml AS
SELECT testrig.fxConfigurations(null)
.query('configurations/context[@name="apera"]') as context
SELECT Nodes.node.value('@name', 'varchar(50)') AS backEndName
FROM cteXml
CROSS APPLY cteXml.context.nodes('//backends/backend') as Nodes(node);
Upvotes: 1