Reputation: 4947
So when I want to create a new file by using the :e command I don't want to specify the whole path, just the new filename. Can it be done?
Upvotes: 167
Views: 142826
Reputation: 1409
I don't know what is wrong with Vim. I want the directory where I start up Vim as the current.
I have followed the tip about autochdir
above and set that to noautchdir
in my vimrc
I haven't done it yet, but I am about to start up Vim like this from now on:
vim --cmd 'cd `pwd`'
That will make it switch the current directory on startup!
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 26592
Also if you are browsing the filesystem with the netrw file explorer you can set the current directory by pressing the cd
It used to be just c
in older versions, but it may not work now.
Upvotes: 22
Reputation: 144
can be used in netrw to change the vim's directory to browsing directory.
[ above was also shared in this comment by @user202729 : How to set working/current directory in Vim? ]
Following illustrative steps show how to find where it's documented in netrw's inbuilt help. These will expose you on how to explore & learn other inbuilt features of netrw on your own. 😃
<:Ex to enter netrw>
" Quick Help: <F1>:help
<press F1>
Quick Reference: Maps |netrw-quickmap|
<move cursor to '|' in this line, press 'ctrl-]' to select this topic>
<scroll down to find the following>
cd Make browsing directory the current directory netrw-cd
<:q to exit netrw help>
<:Rex to exit netrw>
(reference for :Rex
: Vim - Quit/Close Netrw without selecting any file)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
For those wondering about %:h
the relevant Vim help topic is:
:help filename-modifiers
Once there, if you scroll down, there are several examples that demonstrate the various modifiers.
and #
are a bit further up the page. They're covered at:
:help cmdline-special
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 315
This was solution to my problem when using Nvim NvChad.
I did try to use set autochdir
but that still didn't work.
So next thing I did was set custom mapping.
this line of code M.mappings = require "custom.mappings"
in folder custom
local M = {} = {
n = {
["<leader>cf"] = {"<cmd>cd %:h <CR>", "Set Files Location As Dir"}
return M
Hope this helps!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 829
Update: Now I just use those code instead of install a plugin
" 自动切nvim到当前文件所在路径, 避免leaderF每个命令前都要敲一下 :pwd.
" 代替autochdir: Switch to the directory of the current file unless it breaks something.
au AG BufEnter * call AutoDiR()
func! AutoDiR()
" Don't mess with vim on startup.
let should_cd = (!exists("v:vim_did_enter") || v:vim_did_enter)
" 或
" v:vim_did_enter :
" 0 during startup
" 1 just before VimEnter.
" forbid for some filetypes
" let should_cd = should_cd && david#init#find_ft_match(['help', 'dirvish', 'qf']) < 0
" Only change to real files:
let should_cd = should_cd && filereadable(expand("%"))
" filereadable()
" The result is a Number, which is |TRUE| when a file with the
" name {file} exists, and can be read.
if should_cd
silent! cd %:p:h
" cdh: cd here
nno cd :cd %:p:h<cr><cmd>pwd<cr><cmd>let g:Lf_WorkingDirectory=getcwd()<cr><cmd>echo "Lf目录:"..g:Lf_WorkingDirectory<cr>
" nno cdh
cnorea <expr> cdh ( getcmdtype() == ":" && getcmdline() == 'cdh') ?
\ 'cd %:p:h<cr> :pwd<cr>'
\ : 'cdh'
" 方法2: 不好使? 要敲一次pwd触发?
" au AG VimEnter * set autochdir | pwd | echom '设置了autochdir'
" Note: When this option is on, some plugins may not work.
" 貌似不行:
" Plug ''
" 对于vscode-nvim
" vscode用wsl的nvim作为bin时,pwd永远是Microsoft VS Code. 等邮件通知更新吧. 其实不影响使用?
" 我的笔记:
" 这个也不行:
" au AG BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h
" lcd: local window cd ?
" Like |:cd|, but only set the current directory for the current window.
You could install the Rooter Vim plugin, which automatically changes the working directory to the automatically-detected project root when you open a file or directory. After Rooter has set the working directory for you, if you try to edit a file like :e example.txt
, Vim will edit example.txt
in the project root.
If you’re using the vim-plug plugin manager, you can install Rooter by adding the following to your .vimrc
, then reloading Vim and running :PlugInstall
Plug 'airblade/vim-rooter'
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 106
With netrw:
in addition to pressing the c key to set the current directory, you may also put:
let g:netrw_keepdir= 0
in your .vimrc
; this means that netrw
will keep the browsing directory the same as the current directory.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 34413
Adding this to my .vimrc
automatically changes Vim's working dir to the current file:
autocmd BufEnter * silent! :lcd%:p:h
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 35687
As already suggested, you can use autochdir, which will change to the directory of the file you opened, the other option is
:cd mydirectory
which will change the directory. This can be an absolute or relative path, so :cd ..
will move up one level. Or you can use :cd %:h
which will also change to the directory the current file is in, but without setting autochdir.
will change directory to your home directory (or on windows, print the current directory).
:cd -
will change the directory to the previous directory you visited.
Upvotes: 232
Reputation: 311735
Try adding set autochdir
to your .vimrc
. If you want to change it just this once, use :cd
(or :cd!
to force it).
Upvotes: 18