Reputation: 21
I'm trying to debug my program for homework, but I can't even do that because I don't know why my buttons aren't working. Any help is appreciated, thanks! (I know that my findnext is screwy for now, but I didn't know what else to do so I'm just debugging it for now)
public class Window extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
private JButton findnext;
private JButton replace;
private JButton delete;
private JButton upper;
private JTextField from,to;
private JTextArea textArea;
final static Color found = Color.PINK;
final Highlighter hilit;
final Highlighter.HighlightPainter painter;
public Window() {
setTitle("Project 8");
Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize();
textArea = new JTextArea ("The apple ate the apple.",8,40);
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
addWindowListener(new Close());
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
JButton findnext = new JButton("FindNext");
from = new JTextField(8);
JButton replace = new JButton("Replace");
to = new JTextField(8);
JButton delete = new JButton("Delete");
JButton upper = new JButton("Upper");
contentPane.add(panel, "South");
hilit = new DefaultHighlighter();
painter = new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter(found);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
String f = from.getText();
String t = to.getText();
int n = textArea.getText().indexOf(f);
Object source = evt.getSource();
if (source == findnext) {
String text = textArea.getText();
int index = text.indexOf(f,0);
if (index>0) {
try {
hilit.addHighlight(index, index+f.length(), DefaultHighlighter.DefaultPainter);
catch (BadLocationException e) {
}else if (source == replace) {
if (n>=0 && f.length() > 0) {
}else if (source == delete) {
textArea.setText(" ");
}else if (source == upper) {
f.toUpperCase() ;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1856
try this: in ur constructor update this lines:
JButton findnext = new JButton("FindNext");
JButton replace = new JButton("Replace");
JButton delete = new JButton("Delete");
JButton upper = new JButton("Upper");
use this one:
findnext = new JButton("FindNext");
replace = new JButton("Replace");
delete = new JButton("Delete");
upper = new JButton("Upper");
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 347332
You have a shadowing problem. You declare...
private JButton findnext;
private JButton replace;
private JButton delete;
private JButton upper;
But in your constructor you do...
JButton findnext = new JButton("FindNext");
JButton replace = new JButton("Replace");
JButton delete = new JButton("Delete");
JButton upper = new JButton("Upper");
Which is re-declaring those variables.
This means that when you try and do...
if (source == findnext) {
It's always false
You're also adding the ActionListener
) to the findnext
button four times...I think you mean to be adding it to each of the other buttons
Beware, there is already a class called Window
in AWT, which could cause confusion for people. It's also discouraged to extend directly from a top level container like JFrame
and instead should start with a JPanel
and the add it to an instance of JFrame
(or what ever container you like)
Upvotes: 1