Reputation: 23
I'm just trying to self learn PL/SQL procedures over the last week and have run into a few beginner questions around understanding how loops/cursors work with joins in combination.
Any light that someone could shed would be great, as I am quite new to some of the concepts of PL/SQL around cursors.
Apologies in advance for the highly obscure example
In the example below, I am basically starting with table A and trying to obtain the name for the customer and then set a reason_code flag by: a) checking for join success on Table B, if join fails then checking if the customer is in area B (using Table C). In the hypothetical example below, I have also tried to create an output which contains data from another table (Customer Name).
I attempted to make the joins using a similar method to below:
order_cnt integer;
cursor base1 is select customer_id, subscription, reasoncode from customersubscription
for base_rec in base1 loop
select count(*)
into order_cnt
from customersubscription base, customerorder order
where base.customer_id = order.customer_id;
if order_cnt > 1 then
update customersubscription set reasoncode = 'Has ordered product'
where current of base_rec;
As you can see, I have attempted to open a cursor for the base table and iterate through each record, joining to other tables to set a flag. This did not work, I assume its the way i've tried to join as it does not specify the current row. I have also not been able to find any examples of joining for data retrieval in the way I am attempting to derive the customer name
Table A: CustomerSubscription
Customer_ID | SubscriptionID | reasoncode
123 | 567 |
124 | |
Table B: CustomerOrder
Customer_ID | Order_ID | Product
123 | 567 | TITANIC
Table C: Customer
Customer_ID | Name | Area
123 | Roger | E
124 | Timothy | B
Output: Table A
Customer_ID | Name | ReasonCode
123 | Roger | Has ordered Product
124 | Timothy | Outside of area
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Views: 805
Reputation: 3797
Try this,
Select c.Customer_ID
,Case When co.Order_id is not null
Then 'Has ordered Product'
When Area ='B'
Then 'Outside of area'
Else 'UnKnown'
End as ReasonCode
from Customer as c
left join CustomerOrder as co on c.Customer_ID =co.Customer_ID
If you have multiple entries in CustomerOrder table for each Customer then query needs to be changed, as follows,
Select c.Customer_ID
,Case When exists(Select COUNT(co.Order_ID) from CustomerOrder as co where c.Customer_ID =co.Customer_ID)
Then 'Has ordered Product'
When Area ='B'
Then 'Outside of area'
Else 'UnKnown'
End as ReasonCode
from Customer as c
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