Reputation: 1544
I'm having problems since today in my game, when I try to change scene. It's a bit funny, when I collide with enemies I got no problem. I call my resetScene
function which create the gameOver scene and shows it. But when I fall in a hole, and make the same call, I my game doesn't change the scene. I've added a new label in resetScene
function, so when compiler go in this code, will add a layer. Now when I get in a hole, I got the layer but the scene doesn't change. It's a bit confusing. I'll show code and screenshots:
This is the only place when it works:
if hero collide with enemy
if(bodyB.physicsBody.categoryBitMask == enemy)
if(!YES == _deadAnimation)
if(_stars > _bestScore )
_bestScore = _stars;
if(_bestScore> [self.prefs integerForKey:@"bestScore"])
[self.prefs setInteger:_bestScore forKey:@"bestScore"];
_deadAnimation = [self runDeadAnimation]; // (only return BOOL YES for the moment)
[self resetScene];
Now this is where it doesn't works:
/* reset scene if fall*/
if(self.hero.position.y < 100)
_deadAnimation = [self runDeadAnimation]; // (only return BOOL YES for the moment)
[self resetScene];
/* reset scene if stay behind */
if(self.hero.position.x<10 ){
[self resetScene];
And this is my reset function:
[_hero removeFromParent];
[self addDebugLayer:@"dead" xPosition:200 yPosition:200 childPos:_hero.position.y infinite:YES]; // <<-----(add a new SKLabel)
SKScene *mundo1 = [[XYZGameOver alloc] initWithSize:self.size];
SKTransition *doors = [SKTransition fadeWithDuration:0.2];
[self.view presentScene:mundo1 transition:doors];
As you can see, the layer "muerto" (dead) is added with the y position but the scene haven't changed
Upvotes: 2
Views: 182
Reputation: 26
In case of didSimulatePhysics, do the transition with 0 duration. You can use some BOOL to check which kind of Game Over it is. It worked for me. Don't know the reason behind this though.
Upvotes: 1