Jackson Tale
Jackson Tale

Reputation: 25842

How Random module get tested in OCaml?

OCaml has a Random module, I am wondering how it tests itself for randomness. However, i don't have a clue what exactly they are doing. I understand it tries to test for chi-square with two more dependencies tests. Here are the code for the testing part:

chi-square test

(* Return the sum of the squares of v[i0,i1[ *)
let rec sumsq v i0 i1 =
  if i0 >= i1 then 0.0
  else if i1 = i0 + 1 then Pervasives.float v.(i0) *. Pervasives.float v.(i0)
  else sumsq v i0 ((i0+i1)/2) +. sumsq v ((i0+i1)/2) i1

let chisquare g n r =
  if n <= 10 * r then invalid_arg "chisquare";
  let f = Array.make r 0 in
  for i = 1 to n do
    let t = g r in
    f.(t) <- f.(t) + 1
  let t = sumsq f 0 r
  and r = Pervasives.float r
  and n = Pervasives.float n in
  let sr = 2.0 *. sqrt r in
  (r -. sr,   (r *. t /. n) -. n,   r +. sr)

Q1:, why they write sum of squares like that?

It seems it is just summing up all squares. Why not write like:

let rec sumsq v i0 i1 =
  if i0 >= i1 then 0.0
  else Pervasives.float v.(i0) *. Pervasives.float v.(i0) + (sumsq v (i0+1) i1)

Q2:, why they seem to use different way for chisquare?

From the chi squared test wiki, they formula is

enter image description here

But it seems they are using different formula, what's behind the scene?

Other two dependencies tests

(* This is to test for linear dependencies between successive random numbers.
let st = ref 0;;
let init_diff r = st := int r;;
let diff r =
  let x1 = !st
  and x2 = int r
  st := x2;
  if x1 >= x2 then
    x1 - x2
    r + x1 - x2

let st1 = ref 0
and st2 = ref 0

(* This is to test for quadratic dependencies between successive random
let init_diff2 r = st1 := int r; st2 := int r;;
let diff2 r =
  let x1 = !st1
  and x2 = !st2
  and x3 = int r
  st1 := x2;
  st2 := x3;
  (x3 - x2 - x2 + x1 + 2*r) mod r

Q3: I don't really know these two tests, can someone en-light me?

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Views: 237

Answers (1)


Reputation: 121


It's a question of memory usage. You will notice that for large arrays, your implementation of sumsq will fail with "Stack overflow during evaluation" (on my laptop, it fails for r = 200000). This is because before adding Pervasives.float v.(i0) *. Pervasives.float v.(i0) to (sumsq v (i0+1) i1), you have to compute the latter. So it's not until you have computed the result of the last call of sumsq that you can start "going up the stack" and adding everything. Clearly, sumsq is going to be called r times in your case, so you will have to keep track of r calls.

By contrast, with their approach they only have to keep track of log(r) calls because once sumsq has been computed for half the array, you only need to the result of the corresponding call (you can forget about all the other calls that you had to do to compute that).

However, there are other ways of achieving this result and I'm not sure why they chose this one (maybe somebody will be able to tell ?). If you want to know more on the problems linked to recursion and memory, you should probably check the wikipedia article on tail-recursion. If you want to know more on the technique that they used here, you should check the wikipedia article on divide and conquer algorithms -- be careful though, because here we are talking about memory and the Wikipedia article will probably talk a lot about temporal complexity (speed).


You should look more closely at both expressions. Here, all the E_i's are equal to n/r. If you replace this in the expression you gave, you will find the same expression that they use: (r *. t /. n) -. n. I didn't check about the values of the bounds though, but since you have a Chi-squared distribution with parameter r-minus-one-or-two degrees of freedom, and r quite large, it's not surprising to see them use this kind of confidence interval. The Wikipedia article you mentionned should help you figure out what confidence interval they use exactly fairly easily.

Good luck!

Edit: Oops, I forgot about Q3. I don't know these tests either, but I'm sure you should be able to find more about them by googling something like "linear dependency between consecutive numbers" or something. =)

Edit 2: In reply to Jackson Tale's June 29 question about the confidence interval:

They should indeed test it against the Chi-squared distribution -- or, rather, use the Chi-squared distribution to find a confidence interval. However, because of the central limit theorem, the Chi-squared distribution with k degrees of freedom converges to a normal law with mean k and variance 2k. A classical result is that the 95% confidence interval for the normal law is approximately [μ - 1.96 σ, μ + 1.96 σ], where μ is the mean and σ the standard deviation -- so that's roughly the mean ± twice the standard deviation. Here, the number of degrees of freedom is (I think) r - 1 ~ r (because r is large) so that's why I said I wasn't surprised by a confidence interval of the form [r - 2 sqrt(r), r + 2 sqrt(r)]. Nevertheless, now that I think about it I can't see why they don't use ± 2 sqrt(2 r)... But I might have missed something. And anyway, even if I was correct, since sqrt(2) > 1, they get a more stringent confidence interval, so I guess that's not really a problem. But they should document what they're doing a bit more... I mean, the tests that they're using are probably pretty standard so most likely most people reading their code will know what they're doing, but still...

Also, you should note that, as is often the case, this kind of test is not conclusive: generally, you want to show that something has some kind of effect. So you formulate two hypothesis : the null hypothesis, "there is no effect", and the alternative hypothesis, "there is an effect". Then, you show that, given your data, the probability that the null hypothesis holds is very low. So you conclude that the alternative hypothesis is (most likely) true -- i.e. that there is some kind of effect. This is conclusive. Here, what we would like to show is that the random number generator is good. So we don't want to show that the numbers it produces differ from some law, but that they conform to it. The only way to do that is to perform as many tests as possible showing that the number produced have the same property as randomly generated ones. But the only conclusion we can draw is "we were not able to find a difference between the actual data and what we would have observed, had they really been randomly generated". But this is not a lack of rigor from the OCaml developers: people always do that (eg, a lot of tests require, say, the normality. So before performing these tests, you try to find a test which would show that your variable is not normally distributed. And when you can't find any, you say "Oh well, the normality of this variable is probably sufficient for my subsequent tests to hold") -- simply because there is no other way to do it...

Anyway, I'm no statistician and the considerations above are simply my two cents, so you should be careful. For instance, I'm sure there is a better reason why they're using this particular confidence interval. I also think you should be able to figure it out if you write everything down carefully to make sure about what they're doing exactly.

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