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I am trying to write a script to solve an ODE in python
and graph the result. I am using scipy.integrate.odeint for this task. I followed a simple tutorial and modified my code to work with the ODE that I want to solve
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab as plb
from scipy.integrate import ode as odeint
from math import pi
t = np.arange(2, 67., 0.01)
#these are just some values I need for my function
p=2.7 * (10**3) #kg/m^3 density
V=pi * 0.3042 * ((0.0251 / 2)**2) #Volume m^3
C=904 #heat capacity J/kgK
A=pi * ((0.0251 / 2)**2) #Cross sectional area m^2
e= 3490000 #emmisitivy
b=5.6704 * (10** -8) #boltzmans
D=0.251 #diameter m
T= 21.2 #ambient temp
# initial condition
x0 = 76
def f(x, t, p, V, C, A, e, b, D, T):
y=(1/(p*V*C)) * (A*e*b*np.power(T, 4) - (A*e*b*np.power(x, 4)) - ((1.32*A)/(D**0.25))*(np.power((x-T), 1.25)))
return y
x = odeint(f, x0, t, (p, V, C, A, e, b, D, T))
# plot the numerical solution
plt.plot(t, x)
plt.xlabel('Time (min)')
plt.ylabel('Temperature (Celsius)')
plt.title('Temperature vs Time for a Rough Rod')
# plot empirical data
data = plb.loadtxt('rough.csv', skiprows=2)
x = data[:,0]
y = data[:,1]
sigma = data[:,2]
plt.errorbar(x, y, sigma, linestyle='', fmt='.')
plt.legend(['Numerical Solution', 'Data Points'], loc='best')
This code runs perfectly for simple function like -x, but the problem is it does not work for the function I am using there. I can get a plot out of this method, but I get the same plot whether I use
y=(1/(p*V*C)) * (A*e*b*np.power(T, 4) - (A*e*b*np.power(x, 4)) - ((1.32*A)/(D**0.25))*(np.power((x-T), 1.25)))
y=(1/(p*V*C)) * (A*e*b*pow(T, 4) - (A*e*b*pow(x, 4)) - ((1.32*A)/(D**0.25))*(pow((x-T), 1.25)))
y=(1/(p*V*C)) * (A*e*b*np.power(T, 4) - (A*e*b*np.power(x, 4))
I think even this gives me the same plot
y=(1/(p*V*C)) * ((-A*e*b*np.power(x, 4))
also, my value of e should be between 0 and 1 but I have to use HUGE numbers to get something that looks like an exponential decay. I am basically trying to do this: The ODE in question is at the top of page 4. Where the guy in the link can use normal emissivities, I can't, even though were solving the same ODE's with the same values for everything (I am doing the exact same lab)
What the heck am I doing wrong?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 364
Reputation: 2192
I think that there is an error in your import statement:
from scipy.integrate import ode as odeint
should be:
from scipy.integrate import odeint
The rest should work. Since I do not have your input file ('rough.csv') I cannot reproduce your graph.
Upvotes: 2