Reputation: 1853
I am following code at this location:
My json file looks like this
{"name":"","size":743, "imports":[","]},
I added a tooltip in above code following this tutorial
I added
.d3-tip in Style section
Then i added function
var tip = d3.tip()
.attr('class', 'd3-tip')
.offset([-10, 0])
.html(function(d) {
return "<strong>Frequency:</strong> <span style='color:red'>" + d.frequency + "</span>";
Now in above html function instead of d.frequency i added"text").text() so it became
return "<strong>Frequency:</strong> <span style='color:red'>" +"text").text() + "</span>";
In my mouseovered function i added
in mouseouted i added
.classed("mouseover", tip.hide);
The problem is, it always select the first element from my tree and displays as tooltip
I found an answer to this at Show d3 node text only on hover.
But I am not sure how would i integrate that in my code
node = node
.data(nodes.filter(function(n) { return !n.children; }))
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("dx", function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? 8 : -8; })
.attr("dy", ".31em")
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "rotate(" + (d.x - 90) + ")translate(" + d.y + ")" + (d.x < 180 ? "" : "rotate(180)"); })
.style("text-anchor", function(d) { return d.x < 180 ? "start" : "end"; })
.text(function(d) { return d.key; })
.on("mouseover", mouseovered)
.on("mouseout", mouseouted);
var tip = d3.tip()
.attr('class', 'd3-tip')
.offset([-10, 0])
.html(function(d) {
return "<span style='color:red'>" +"text").text()+ "</span>";
Upvotes: 3
Views: 5084
Reputation: 3112
You can set the tip's html property when in the mouseovered function (rather than where you define 'tip'):
function mouseovered(d) {
tip.html("<strong>Frequency:</strong> <span style='color:red'>" + d.key + "</span>"
See this fiddle:
Otherwise you're defining the value of the tooltip before you do any mouse-overing
Note you'll also want to change the tip definition to just:
var tip = d3.tip()
.attr('class', 'd3-tip')
.offset([-10, 0]);
Upvotes: 2